Monday, May 13, 2024

[LNP | LancasterOnline] Gambling debts led to theft from Columbia Boys Athletic Association: police

What happened: A storage building on the site of what will become the borough's public works department recently experienced one break-in and one attempted illegal entry that caused about $10,000 in damages.

Details: A municipal employee two weeks ago interrupted three teens trying to break into the borough storage facility at 1100 Ridge Ave.

More: The worker called the police department, which responded. The individuals ran away, but the borough was able to identify them through the bicycles they left behind. That investigation continues.

Previous incident: This incident came about two weeks after one or more people illegally entered the same structure, vandalizing equipment and defacing the building with spray paint in mid-April.

Damages: Workers found a 10-foot aluminum ladder plunged through a window of a mini-backhoe tractor. Other equipment vandalized included leaf trucks and a machine that seals cracks, Mark Stivers, borough manager, said in a May 9 phone call. Graffiti covered the walls and equipment.

Details: Although the borough carries insurance for such incidents, Columbia will have to pay any deductibles and may face rate increases, Zink explained.

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