Monday, May 13, 2024

[LNP | LancasterOnline] Gambling debts led to theft from Columbia Boys Athletic Association: police

The former treasurer of the Columbia Boys Athletic Association who was charged last week with stealing $184,251 from the organization did so to cover gambling debts, according to borough police.

Kimberly Clark, 47, of Columbia, is charged with one count of theft by deception, a third-degree felony.

According to charging documents, the thefts were discovered by a co-treasurer of the nonprofit.

Erik Albright, the co-treasurer, told Columbia police he tried to withdraw funds for association expenses late last year and learned the account was overdrawn.

He said he spoke to Clark, who admitted taking more than $85,000, according to charging documents. However, an analysis found $184,251 was missing.

Clark wrote checks to herself or made them payable to cash, police said. The thefts spanned 2020 to 2023, police said.

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