Thursday, February 2, 2017

Rep. Saylor says he'll file subpoenas if governor's administration doesn't have answers in budget hearings

HARRISBURG — Rep. Stan Saylor, the new chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, said Wednesday he will, if necessary, use subpoenas for information from Gov. Tom Wolf's administration during budget hearings that begin later this month.



  1. The article states, “I think all governors, Democrat and Republican, have not given the General Assembly the respect it deserves,” Saylor said.

    Tough giving respect to such a large, honorable gathering of personalities - did I mention large and honorable?

    1. He ought to say that remark to the unemployed that have to wait hours to get thru and discuss their claims.

  2. Let's ask Saylor where the money owed to Columbia and Elanco is for the administrative costs of the school districts. It is probably down at the boro hall on Second Street.


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