Thursday, February 2, 2017

Police looking for assistance with vandalism | Columbia Borough Police Department

The Columbia Borough Police have responded to numerous vandalism reports in the downtown section.  Reports started around 8:00 am on Wednesday, February 1, 2017.  Several school buildings, a public building and a monument in the Locust Street Park in the 500 blk. of Locust Street, and various private out buildings throughout the downtown section have been targeted.  Purple spray paint was used in all of the incidents.  Police are asking for assistance in identifying any actor(s) that may be involved.  Tips can be called in to the Columbia Borough Police Department at (717)684-7735 or tips can be sent to the Lancaster County Crime Stoppers text "LANCS" to 847411.

Case Status:


  1. Wait a second ... how can the borough with the most spy cameras in the county be looking for "humint" (human intelligence)?

    Are they not working?

    Is this a plea for more law enforcement?

    1. Taxpayers money used to buy cameras that almost NEVER catch any criminal activity.

  2. thank Norm for those MILLION $$$$ PLUS CAMERAS THAT AREN'T WORTH 2 cents!! I hope they catch the punks who did this.

  3. Curious myself as a citizen of the borough.. everytime the benches or the park is damaged they never know who did it but there are caneras everywhere.. or is it that the police are at turkey hill? Instead of patrolling

    1. We never hear the Police complain about the Citizens being in the Bars why do the BAWL BABIES always claim the Police are always at Turkey Hill when a crime is committed they do patrol the Boro daily. GET A LIFE.

    2. Chances are, if residents are in a bar they are not working at the time. The "bawl babies" are paying their salary.

    3. I would not begrudge any worker their breaks and it's a given that the police cannot be everywhere at once. It would be helpful if they walked more, as we were told they would be doing. They should be able to walk one mile in 20 minutes. They know the areas of town that require attention. If they are walking, people will take notice. They certainly don't have to spend the entire shift on foot, but surely about one hour each shift isn't too much to ask. The mayor said they would be walking more as well as the code officers too, but it never happened.

    4. it would also help if they had more than two officers at a time on their shift

  4. Cameras are of no use if they're not operational and if nobody reviews the files. At best, they're of little use in preventing crime. And in Columbia, they're of little use in solving crimes.

  5. smarten up. no the police aren't at turkey hill. in case you didn't know this-we are a poverty town. we have more domestic (911) calls than anywhere in Lancaster COunty. they only have 2 officers on per shift. afraid one will get hurt. if you have the police you MUST support them. they put their life on the line every second they are in uniform. i thank them for protecting. i wish they had more hands on leaders.

    1. I support them by paying their salary. Regarding two on duty, someone is BullS-ing us because frequently I have seen three and even four answering a call at one location.

    2. I think our police do an excellent job, but if the cameras are not working, the borough should spend money to get them operating. Do not spend money on decorations or an office for the mayor. The cameras,if working, would aid the police in solving crimes. Just look at Lancaster city, even though they have a high crime rate, their cameras solved some crimes.

  6. They do from time to time have 3 or 4 but MOST OF THE TIME they only have 2 on duty.
    I forget how many officers we have between full & part time WE SHOLUD HAVE MORE THAN 2 ON DUTY.

    1. Replying to comment "smarten up", states 2 officers per shift period, not most of the time.

  7. Maybe they could get the cameras fixed with the money they wasted on dodge chargers for columbia borough..or the tree grate money..or christmas decorations .. this borough is pathetic with what they buy

    1. Exactly, cameras aimed directly at the new Columbia Crossing building within several feet could not capture those responsible for damaging the new letters on the building. They really are a waste of money.


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