Wednesday, November 23, 2016

About Town

 Can the republic survive?

 One for the land bank?

 Big sky over bridge?

 Bus stop?

 New sheriff in town?

 Gone but not forgotten?
(House at 1042 Lancaster Avenue)

 Monday it stood. Tuesday it fell. Today it disappeared entirely.

The other town clock?

Autumn road?

Making America great again?


  1. Looks better on Lancaster Avenue, almost green space!

  2. Love the SPY!
    Your all over the town.

  3. The republic will survive and thrive!!!

  4. Ah the old "Doc Clock". I remember when the clock was a huge issue. Some would of had you believe the erection of this clock would cause the town to implode. Well, it didn't and the clock still stands. There are some in this town who just love to over react. (Anyone remember the closing of South Fifth Street and Lancaster Ave....back then I was told people would die because fire and ems would have to


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