Friday, April 8, 2016

Draft Agenda for April 11, 2016 Borough Council Meeting

The draft agenda for the April 11, 2016 Columbia Borough Council meeting is posted on the borough website at and is shown below. Draft agendas will now be posted on the borough's site prior to meetings.


  1. $35,000 for Trolley service....are they loopy? Last year TH Experience didnt have enough parking so now someone is proposing visitors to leave their cars there and take the Trolley to town, or is this service only for those who are parked elsewhere and come into the experience? Sorry thats a whole lot of dollars for an experiment, why not "trial" the idea and see what the actual interest is before spending $35,000 and committing for 3 years?

  2. It's really 105 thousand taxpayer dollars over the course of three years. Money back to borough is based on IF people use it, if they don't it becomes a loss to taxpayers. If it is a success the businesses benefit.
    Risk is on taxpayers.
    Gains to businesses.
    This must be funded by businesses NOT the taxpayers. There are more important projects in this borough that $105,000
    could benefit.

  3. Crazier yet, I looked at prices for used trolly streetcars. I might add that they look pretty darn nice too. It would cost anywhere from $20,000 to 50,000 with an average price of about 32,000 which is the cost of one year of the proposed contract! So why not BUY our own Columbia Trolley? If it runs six months of the year, hire a part time driver from Columbia that can speak about the sites while traveling. Obviously, gas, insurance, and any maintenance fees would need to be considered. It would make more sense. Then let ANYONE ride it around Columbia. Call it the "Tide Ride" or "River Run". I would rather see this done for a year or two and then if it doesn't work, sell it. Why give out of town-ers our tax money to play with? Get smart Columbia.

  4. How about an amusement tax for every visitor to the THE and bank museum. .

    1. Yeah, the bank museum could use some new plywood. Stuff only lasts 15 years or so max.

    2. I'm grateful the Bank Museum is still open and intact!!!
      As far as the plywood,, perhaps you would like to donate what's needed to save the original doors?
      Another Negative Nellie,, yeah.

    3. Because a business couldn't possibly pay for their own repairs.... What a thought!

    4. Ahhh what an attitude,,,,

  5. Regarding the borough:


    Get involved.

    1. Discussion on the horizon regarding the hiring of a school Resource Officer. Would borough residents rather spend THEIR money on a trolley or a Resource Officer? Think about it!!!

  6. How about letting Kroger(Turkey Hill) buy the ENTIRE trolley.

    1. Sounds good, except I don't think it was their (THE) idea and I'm not convinced that they are highly in favor of it either. Doubtful they would put money into a venture they don't believe in.

    2. Why would they do that? What benefit is is to them?

      "Hey look - that's where the last shooting was, and if you look on your right, you will see one of Columbia's young entrepreneurs selling his wares on the corner!"

  7. Warning, if you decide to get involved, be prepared!

  8. What are the details of the trolley? Who is in charge of the trolley? What in town during the Summer break is there to see and do for visitors. Maybe it should be sponsored by LASA, since it is coming from the interest compounded by the sewer sale.
    How about building a Mainstreet that has something for all to do before we jump into this. Bringing visitors downtown is impressionable on the first visit with structure. Give me $35,000 per year and you will get what it needs, business.
    The interest from the LASA purchase should be used for the infrastructure, not time to play. Fiscal responsibility is why the Council members are elected to office, spending this money takes one employee off the payroll for the next three years.

    The businesses or Chamber of Commerce should be flipping the bill on this Trolley. The visitors that park at the Experience or Columbia High School, usually have their trip itinerary scheduled for the week.

    How many choices do we have for dinner or lunch downtown for our visitors? How many antique shops will you take your children in? I would rather see Columbia pay a part-time Business Director that can build our downtown with that money. Business + People=$$$$ (Then a trolley!)

  9. Just fix these damn streets!!

  10. Drive the trolley on walnut to eighth

  11. no reason now NOT to attend Boro COuncil mtg. and you'll even know what they are going to discuss. Hope to see more people attend. We, the taxpayers are in the drivers seat!

    1. At this point we are not in the driver's seat. Things are predetermined.

  12. And all of you naysayers are exactly what's wrong with columbia as it stands! There's a lot of you perfectly fine with shouting from the roof tops about what's wrong with the town, the crime rate, the lack of businesses, Etc. But you're also the first ones to shoot down a proposition that could potentially bring in THOUSANDS of out of towners to spend their money on OUR business, OUR infrastructure? What is wrong with you people?? There's a lot of talk about what needs to change and I guarantee that not one of you is actually getting off of your ass and being an active part of the change! You're part of the problem. YOU are holding this town back. Columbia is stuck in nastalgia, too many people too afraid to change anything because God forbid the town actually grow and thrive. Now I understand that it's a lot of money and if one of you people wants to buy a trolley and YOU volunteer your time and knowledge all tourist season, then fine, pitch that. Put your money where your mouth is. Until then, keep it shut. Stop being the problem. Why be against extra downtown business?? Better yet, why be against outside people actually looking at what this town has to offer?? If the businesses thrive, he town thrives. Wanna know why your freaking taxes are so high? WE HAVE NO INDUSTRY!! There are no businesses to take up the cost! If the businesses thrive, they can hire more people. More jobs in town is GOOD for us! If downtown gets enough foot traffic, guess what people?? Maybe more businesses will come to town! Maybe we could actually be a part or revitalizing this dead little historical town!! Crazy thought, huh?? Good grief! All of hear from you people is what's WRONG without any actual contribution into this town. And as for the Bank museum, Bob, whoever you are, I hope you read this. ITS A FREAKING WOOD DOOR! If the owners weren't so freaking lazy they could fix it in a weekend themselves instead of looking for a hand out to have someone else pay for it for them. It's not hard, I could do it. Seriously, strip the door, repair it, seal it and restrain it to its former glory. It does NOT take 20 years to repair a freaking door. It's sheer laziness and I would be amazed at the lack of fines they should be getting except for being told years back that they have a cozy "in" with the zoning officer. Yet another backwards issue that no one is willing to change.

    1. Look at this towns history on business, in town or out of town! these people can thrive but, like always the town as a whole losses!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. There's countless books done by countless authors (planners, economists, architects, you name it)collecting dust in countless libraries all discussing how to bring back the dead downtowns. This has been going on for 50+ years. And guess what? Nothing came out of any of it. So if you think a few people throwing a few ideas at a forum or in a boro council meeting is going to make a damn bit of difference, well, go ahead. Have fun. But don't have the arrogance to think you are breaking any new ground.

      The downtown is dead. We just won't bury the stinking corpse.

    3. Mmmm tad narrow minded and judgemental statement, just my quick thought

    4. Proof is in the boarded up buildings of every downtown in this country. Many ideas have been tried - all have failed. Downtowns existed because they had to. Many essential functions of modern life (banking, bill paying, shopping, etc) relied on going to physical locations in the commercial section of a town/city. Now? Not so much. Mail, phone, and now internet made customer-accessible physical locations unnecessary. Nobody NEEDS to go downtown anymore. So they don't.

      No, it isn't the pretty picture downtown developers want to think about, but it is the truth. Not narrow-minded at all. Just reality.

    5. Mmmm was there ever a NEED???
      Downtowns are convenient, social interaction, pride, history, to many to waste my time spelling out.
      So need to go,, perhaps.
      Want, enjoy, anticipate, pride, passion many reasons to support local businesses.
      God Bless

    6. Yes, there were needs - I spelled them out above. A few wants (what you listed) aren't going to save downtowns. It isn't 1950 anymore.

    7. Needs, wants, even in 1950 people made choices to support locally or not. There has always been means of communication.
      Perhaps one day you will NEED or WANT to support the local businesses.
      I know the residents in our two High Rises enjoy shopping there and so will others.

    8. Basing shopping needs/desires on a senior citizen sample probably isn't a good way to predict future trends. Just sayin'.

    9. Actually my money IS where my mouth is, you are using MY tax money (and yes it IS mine) to fund YOUR idea that will benefit who? I have every, EVERY right to question AND complain. I voted and expect council to act in MY best interest not assist private business ventures.

    10. When you use YOUR money to fund the trolley and not MINE then I'll shut up and not until then.

  13. seriously? i'll tell you what's wrong with this Boro. There are about 800 TOO MANY RENTAL PROPERTIES. Who year after year are NOT up to code. The same ignorant landlords do NOTHING. The Boro MUST find a way to turn the majority of these rental properties back into owned single family homes. Period. I don't understand HOW this got to where it is. It's a crying shame. THAT is the major problem in this Boro.

  14. Once again the high taxes will deter any good future development. It only creates slumlord low cost properties. Only way out of this is consolidation of our police & schools. Otherwise your spinning your wheels like we've been the past couple decades.

  15. i agree with 2 things. NO to school resourse officer. We can't afford it. Consolidate the schools NOW. Yes, there are hundreds and hundreds of slum rental properties that MUST go. The landlords don't take care of them, don't care about the filth, dog shit, etc. Way too many tenants need to go back to Lancaster and catch the bus there and go somewhere else.

  16. In regards to the Bank Museum,, speak when you know all the details.
    It's more than just a door and more than your assumptions to repair.
    I doubt they have easy in as you state. But you seem to assume you know it all.
    Go lend a helping hand, Anonymous!!


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