Monday, January 11, 2016

First day at the Farm Show

 Leading the way

Potato donuts!


 These piglets were born on Christmas Day.


 Out for a walk

 All in a row

 Surprise and smiles


 These will keep many doctors away.

 The infamous butter sculpture

 Sculpture and spectators

 Cathy and bees

The queen is marked with a bluish dot. 
Can you spot her?
(Hint: She's somewhere near the middle.)

 Vintage tractor


 Hats for all

 You lookin' at me?

 Stepping up

 Main arena, pre-protest


 More of the Christmas pigs

 Wheel of fortune

Win this.


  1. So why is the butter sculpture infamous? What did it do?

    You may want to double-check the definition of "infamous".

  2. Great photos Cole, as always thanks for posting them so those of us that couldn't make it to the Farm Show this year could enjoy from a distance :)


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