Monday, January 11, 2016

Are we SURE those traffic lights are synced?

A car got "stuck" on the tracks near River Park yesterday, due the traffic signals turning red while it was exiting. (The car can be seen just above the road level, in the above photo.)  A precarious place to be, especially when a train is coming. (Luckily, one wasn't.)

Ironically: this sign.


  1. seriously. IF the lights are NOT synced and they turn WHILE you are ON the tracks.....keep going (looking for vehicles both ways first!) it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this one out!

    1. And who would be at fault if an accident did occur under such circumstances? The public would be better served if the lights were fixed.

    2. Let's see how easy your solution is when warm weather arrives and the river park is full. Will you be able to push other cars out of your way as you cross the tracks? The lights need to work properly and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out either.

  2. yes. true. but they've been trying for weeks to get it right. just sayin. I'm not stopping ON the RR TRACKS

    1. It did happen to me and I did what I NEVER do, went through on red. Lucky for me the coast was clear. All drivers will not react the same way under this circumstance. The lights need to work properly, this isn't a guessing game. I'm betting if LCSWMA trucks are flying on 441, you just might have to stop on the tracks, take your pick hit by truck or train.


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