Monday, November 10, 2014

A personal note

I would like to publicly thank Ollie Fritz and Sharon Lintner for passionately defending me at tonight's borough council meeting.  It's great to know you guys have "got my back."


  1. I want to go on record as saying that I love Ollie Fritz and his family. Great people and a family dedicated to Columbia Borough. Thanks to all of you :)
    Sincerely, Sharon Lintner

  2. It's always warming to know somebody has your back. Good for you tonight Cole, you certainly deserved it. Wished I would have been there to hear it first hand.

  3. Keep up the good work Lintner's. You do a great job of informing what's hapening in our town.

  4. BTW...did you get an apology from JG?

  5. What did you need defended for ?

  6. This is a clear case of cyber bullying. Isn't that something teenagers do?

    1. Columbians are good at cyber bullying! Obviously you don't visit enough social media outlets because it happens all of the time. It happens right on this site too.

  7. If you did nothing wrong, why did you need defended? And why is it you couldn't speak up for yourself? Why did others do the talking for you? I don't see why this is being dragged on and on. Why not move on? I mean what's with the desperation for an apology? Did you lose your job over this? Are you in jail? Are people stoning you? Egging your house? It's over and done with. It's petty. Grow a set and move on.

  8. The arrogance of this council and some of the borough employees is absolutely shocking.

  9. Cole did not speak at the meeting because he did not feel he had any reason to defend himself. I felt differently and chose to speak. We did not solicit anyone else to speak in his defense. Cole has NEVER asked for an apology and it's too late for that now. I will not stand by and allow anyone, especially someone leading this community, to publicly berate my husband. If this recent comment was written by a borough employee, then this proves the derogatory remarks not only continue, but will be tolerated.

    1. I agree Sharon, nobody should be berated publicly, especially when it is warranted. But it also happens on this site at times and it is tolerated.

    2. I'm on your side on this one Cole because I feel she was wrong and not justified in what she said. I saw nothing wrong with what you posted about the accident and agree with your perspective and opinions on how you were treated at the scene by the authorities who overstepped their authority. I don't take sides based on who the person is but rather who I feel is right.

    3. I'm on your side on this one Cole because I feel she was wrong and not justified in what she said. I saw nothing wrong with what you posted about the accident and agree with your perspective and opinions on how you were treated at the scene by the authorities who overstepped their authority. I don't take sides based on who the person is but rather who I feel is right.

  10. Easy for those hiding at their keyboard to tell Cole to move on and get over it after they turn the borough against him.

    1. Smart people can see through the bs. They're on my side.

  11. Your right Cole smart people. Too bad we don't have more smart people working for the boro.


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