Monday, October 1, 2012

September Wrap-Up

Some recent pics from around town
(Click 'em to see 'em big.)

 Fourth Street

 Locust Street

 Elks renovation

 Thanks to Kenneth D Shuman for the "heads-up" on this.

 I hope I got the right shots.

 At the Columbia Plaza Musser's Market 
A related video HERE.


 Autumnal objects

 This is what happens when you take a diet too far.

 Around town with a spirited horse

 Someone got the boot.  Didn't they used to be yellow?  
Must be orange for Halloween.

 Grillin' on the ol' boat

 Backing out of the river

 A dog and his hydrant

 Are you sure?

 Bike riding with an oxygen tank

Turkey vulture on South 11th Street
I interrupted him as he was tearing the entrails out of a dead possum.


  1. Why would anyone damage the old tiles that have "Haines" on them? Small pieces of the borough's history erode all too quickly anymore. Those tiles were in really good condition prior to the installation of that huge and odd looking mailbox.

    1. Some people don't give a damn about the town's history.

  2. Very nice looking work done at the Elks club. What a gorgeous old building.

  3. wow! Great pictures !!!! Thanks. I really enjoyed them :)

  4. the Elks looks great!!!

  5. you know, since Columbia school district students do so poorly on these tests-the school board should consider NOT replacing Clippinger and instead put that $150,000 to use to educate our children. how about a poll ????????

    1. Good idea. The role of superintendent is a worthless one.

      I don't think I have enough of a readership to gather any valid poll results.

  6. i don't get it tho-boro and school powers that be just DON"T get it....we taxpayers can NOT afford all the spend,spend,spend...out taxes are thru the roof and 2nd only to lancaster and then when we have to make some repairs to our homes if in the historic district-we can not afford to..we are losing our homes..we do NOT need 3 and 4 supervisors at all 3 of our public schools in this tiny boro...and the pay for these positions was listed in the paper -the lowest around $100,000 - unbelieveable! now time that by about 8 or 11.
    btw- the Elk's looks beautiful! well done :)

    1. I agree. Columbia Borough School District is top-heavy with highly paid administrators, considering the size of the district. The superintendency should be eliminated, but I guess we're stuck with having to have a business manager.

  7. if only the taxpaying residents of this town would take the initiative and attend the next couple school board meetings and let their voice be heard.....wouldn't it be awesome to get a hundred or even more taxpayers there and speak their concerns...c'mon taxpayers. can we really afford this ??????

  8. Don't you know Mr. Strickler will be the next superintendent? He stacked the schoolboard and next year those same people will vote for him. He is taking night classes now in preparation for his new position.

  9. wow.really??? then this news must get out to all the taxpayers. we can NOT afford to replace the superintendent position and DON:T need it...we are the SMALLEST district with the MOST sup[ervisor positions. c'mon taxpayers, talk about this, spread this news around. attend school board mtg.we MUST put a STOP to it NOW.

  10. With the buyers market we have now, there are several very nice homes for sale in Columbia. Even if one can afford to take advantage of a great deal the taxes are so high that really one would be renting their mortgage-free home from the borough for at least 200.00-400.00 dollars a month for as long as one wished to live there. The only place the taxes will go is up, so goodbye to the proud Columbia homeowners and hello to more landlord/tenant problem properties.

    1. As I said before, unless you have an allodial title, you don't own your home; you rent it from the government.


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