Monday, September 24, 2012

Coming This Friday - Fourth Fridays Celebration!


  1. yay 4th Fridays!!!
    in other news, i can not believe boro council approved paying almost $8,000 for legal fees for the market trust-and the actions were AGAINST the boro !!!! 1 council person should have abstained from voting-he's involved with the market house trust!!! i can't imagine the boro did NOT protect themselves...the taxpayers in this boro need to attend meetings and put a stop to the outrageous spending-it's out of control......too many people are losing their homes, people can not afford the taxes...and they continue to spend thousands, millions at the river park??? i'm afraid that this boro will truly turn into a "ghost town" why can't the powers that be see this or understand this?

    1. I wonder why we taxpayers are paying the Trust's bills. If the Market House can't become a self-sustaining enterprise, why should we support it? What is its reason for existing, if it's going to be a drain on our wallets?

  2. I don't get downtown often but did for Fourth Friday. I was surprised to find that we have a head shop on our Main Street. Just what we need. (Sarcasim intended)

    1. At this point, I'm glad to see any business trying to make a go of it in Columbia.


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