Friday, January 19, 2024

Columbia gets hit with another snowfall, the second this week

 Columbia got at least 6 inches of snow today. Here are some photos about town:

John Houston Mifflin (father of Lloyd) peeked through at Mount Bethel Cemetery. 

This squash got a beehive hairdo from the snow.

Wreath clean-up at Mount Bethel has been postponed until January 27 due to the snow.

The statue of Hope points to where the snow was coming from.

The Weeping Angel might be praying that we don't get any more. 

The Returned Soldier at Locust Street Park shouldered some snow. His twin brother in New York may have had a similar experience today.

Yes it was. The second one this week.

Here's an idea for what to do after the snow is cleared. 

And here's Columbia Borough's ordinance on snow removal:

186-49Removal requirements.
[Amended 12-16-2003 by Ord. No. 726; 9-11-2017 by Ord. No. 887]
Each tenant, owner or person in charge of any property fronting on or adjoining any street in the Borough of Columbia shall clear a pathway of at least three feet in width on the sidewalk in front of or adjoining such property within 24 hours after the snow which is the cause thereof has ceased to fall, or to be formed, or after the same as been deposited thereon in any manner. The snow cleaned from the pathway shall not be deposited in the street after the street has been plowed. As used herein, "snow" shall mean any precipitation depositing any accumulation on the street and sidewalks, such as snow, sleet, hail, ice and freezing rain.[1]
Editor's Note: Regarding enforcement, see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II, Enforcement of Certain Ordinances.

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