Saturday, March 19, 2022

Columbia school board updated on state test results

Elementary and middle school results: Park Elementary School's highest scoring assessment was science, with 56.4% percent of students scoring in the proficient or advanced categories. Elementary students' lowest scoring subject was math, with 16.8% of students scoring at or above proficiency. Middle school students scored the highest in English, with 31.8% scoring as proficient or advanced. Middle schoolers' lowest scoring assessment was math, where 6.4% of students scored at or above proficiency.

High school results: Because the state calculates assessments for high school students differently, results for the 2020-21 school year included assessments taken in previous years. Additionally, a smaller group of students took the exams, further limiting the data. Results were only available for English and math assessments, with students scoring better in math.

Comments: Rizzo explained that across grade levels, between 10%-22% of parents opted out of having their children take the tests. She acknowledged that the results were not what the district would like to see, but added that the results should not be compared to scores from other years due to the circumstances surrounding the 2020-21 school year.

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