Sunday, March 27, 2022

About Town - March 27, 2022

Recent photos of Columbia 

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Bully's at night

Mount Zion A.M.E. on South 5th

The former Shawnee Fire Company building

Night light at St. John's

Wild sky

His reach exceeds his grasp - or vice versa.

Nutrition at 5th & Cherry

Waiting for that double latte

A squad of one-wheelers cruised along Front Street and on to the trail on Saturday.

And a line of Mazdas also made their way to Front Street on Saturday.

Coming soon

Showing support for Ukraine . . .

Ready ... aim ... FIRE!

Borough workers cut trees and cleared brush at the former airfield at 1020 Manor this past week, but officials had previously said that no borough employees would be used at the site.

More Majik being conjured

New lockers at Our Lady of the Angels

Tearing out at the former Andy's Market location at 4th & Cherry

This skyline will likely change on Tuesday, when the tower is slated for demo.

Undersized load or oversized trailer?

So that the mail can be twice as late . . .

Old-timey convertible

Don't do it.

We got another great sunset last Sunday.

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