Recent photos from around Columbia . . .
(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)
Full moon in the morning
Meanwhile, back on earth - the curb at 5th & Chestnut is getting worse.
Lisa Simpson by Cassidy at Columbia River Park -
Compare with last week's drawing HERE.
Morning song
A look as if to say, "Do you mind?"
Elegant Victoria Karr gowns at 350 Locust Street
Don't lean on either of these shoulders.
Here's another mayfly, right under a sticker for a white supremacist group.
Is there racism in Columbia?
Is there?
Triple cross
Dennis & Michelle were at Columbia River Park Friday morning.
There they are. Somewhere. In there.
Get yours here.
(It's illegal to set them off within borough limits, with exceptions.)
Chicken BAR-B-Q!
What's going on at the former Columbia Drive-In site?
(It was recently mowed.)
The Columbia Zoo is underway.
Meant to say great pictures as always