Monday, June 14, 2021

Monday the 14th in Scenic Columbia

Some shots from around town today . . . 

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Another mayfly sighting

There it is.
(Is this the start of the Walnut Street Improvement Project?)

Looks like this bird was feeling high.

Ready for the road - some road, somewhere

Doug's Tree Service was in Locust Street Park.

Here's how to keep your tools safe in Columbia
(although it might not be foolproof).

Somebody got the boot - and then some.

Yep, there's the boot.

And there's a note.


Down at Columbia River Park . . .

The boat's ready to go to inspect the Veterans Memorial Bridge.

The same thing was done in 2019, 
as Columbia Spy reported 
HERE (scroll down).

In 2015, the same (or a similar) boat was used 
to check on the progress of falcon nestlings under the bridge, 
as Columbia Spy reported HERE.

There's the crew.

And there they go.

They were inspecting the Wrightsville end of the bridge today.

And after a long day, it was back to the park.

But as that was going on, this guy was inspecting another section of the bridge.

Near Commerce Street

He was taking photos and hammering on the bridge.


And finally - they're painting the DAC.

Yes they are.


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