Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Lancaster County Democratic Committee endorses candidates for Columbia Borough Council and School Board

Candidates endorsed for Columbia Borough Council and School Board

At its first-ever fully virtual annual meeting and endorsement convention on February 13, 2021, the Lancaster County Democratic Committee voted to endorse in a number of races at the municipal, county, and state level.

“We try to do a public service by making our endorsements, especially in crowded primary elections” said Diane Topakian, Chair of the Lancaster County Democratic Committee. “By vetting candidates, seeing who brings the best qualifications and experience to the job, and who holds similar values to ours, our committee members endorse accordingly. Voters really appreciate their political party doing the research and homework on candidates. Now, our committee members are ready to get to work in support of these candidates.”

In addition to the PA Democratic Party’s endorsements at the state level, the Committee endorsed Timika R. Lane for Judge of the Pennsylvania Superior Court and Amanda Green-Hawkins for Judge of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court. At the county level, the Committee endorsed Christopher Hess for County Controller. The Committee’s districts also announced their endorsements for a range of municipal offices. The full list of endorsements may be viewed here.


About the Lancaster County Democrats: The Lancaster County Democratic Committee and represents the more than 100,000 registered Democrats across Lancaster County and the values that thousands more Lancastrians share, regardless of party. Those values — justice, equity, inclusion, and integrity — have been the foundation of communities here for centuries. Our purpose is to secure the rights of every Lancaster County family. Every Democrat in Lancaster County has someone they are fighting for; as the Lancaster County Democratic Committee, it’s our job to have their back.

Source: Press release

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