Sunday, March 22, 2020

About Town 3/22/2020

This week's photos of Columbia

Let's start out on a cheerful note.

Looks like God's really mad at us.

 Some folks are taking measures to try to stay safe...

... such as wearing masks to guard against coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, also known as SARS-CoV-2.
By the way, what are we supposed to call it? 
(No wonder folks are confused.)

 Here's a fatality on one of the Civil War bridge piers, but not from coronavirus. An aggressive Canada goose repeatedly attacked it last week.

 But have no fear, Leonardo is here.

And for added protection, the zombie squad's on the job.

As a further precaution, a technician was making sure our cameras are in working order:


 Historian Randy Harris boldly strode through River Park one day this week.

Parking on Sundays only - for some.

Parked contractor vehicles in 4th Street are causing traffic distress.

 Sheriff in town

Over at the Market House:


 Uh-oh, this can't be good.

A few signs of the times:


 Last call for a while

 Quartermasters making a last collection

Double vision?

 Read and heed

Columbia Presbyterian Hands across the Street offered grab and go lunches this week.

 These black vultures found a different kind of grab and go lunch on Purple's Lane.

 Haven't seen one of these in a while.

 What was once a store sign is now a somewhat abstract painting.

 Builders at work

Falling apart


Long and winding

 The U.S. military is watching over us. That's a comforting thought.
(Isn't it?)

 Steps to a higher education

 People at River Park, enjoying the nice weather

Docks ready to go

 But seriously, where have those big stones gone?

Quite a few are missing from this pier.

Grab and go meals for students were offered at Park Elementary...

...around back at the loading area.

A major star at Laurel Hill

Out for a walk

Another shot of the Walnut Street vehicle fire

Our historical marker at the bridge plaza is "upstanding" again. 

 Mourning dove, apparently not mourning or grieving

 Up on the rooftop

Lost in thought

Over at 401-403 Locust Street: 


Red-tail overhead:

Four from Todd Stahl up on the trail:


Sunday morning, March 22, 2020:

 On the road again

 Public internet?

 So... toilet paper isn't the only thing folks are loading into their shopping carts.

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