Friday, November 15, 2019

Winter coats needed for Columbia students in grades 5 through 12

Columbia Borough School District is in need of Winter coats for students in grades 5-12. If you have unused coats in good condition please consider donating it/them.

Here is more information from Superintendent Strickler:

Good Evening to Columbia Borough School District Community Partners:

The weather has turned cold very quickly.  Two years ago (2017), you helped our students obtain winter coats.  The response was so great, that the coat donations lasted until now.

At the high school and middle school level (grades 5 through 12), we gave our last coat away this week.  We still have coats remaining at the elementary level.

Our students ages 10 through 18 are in need of winter coats – male and female, all sizes.

If you know of any new or slightly used winter coats – young people style – and would like to donate them to the District, please contact me or drop them off at the District office (200 N 5th St,. Columbia, PA).  If you need items picked up, a phone call to me and it will happen!

Thank you in advance for everything you do for the students of Columbia.  Together, we are making Champions – ONE student at a Time!

Tom Strickler
Columbia Borough School District
Desk: (717) 681-2616

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