Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lancaster County Planning Commission memo lays out review of Columbia's proposed rezoning to be discussed November 25

Columbia Spy has obtained an internal memorandum (shown below) of the Lancaster County Planning Commission, which is a "staff draft of a review scheduled for discussion and action" at the commission's November 25, 2019 meeting. The memorandum lays out details of Columbia Borough's proposed changes to its Zoning Ordinance Map and text amendments. The map is the foundation of the borough's rezoning initiative, currently underway. 

A pdf of the document can be downloaded HERE.

At Tuesday's Columbia Borough Planning Commission meeting, Chairperson Mary Wickenheiser said that Vice Chair Jeff Helm, Borough Manager Rebecca Denlinger, and she plan to attend the November 25 meeting.

Columbia Spy published an article on Tuesday's meeting HERE.

More information on the proposed rezoning is posted on the Columbia Borough website HERE. (Scroll down.)

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