Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Public Forum To Discuss Trails - March 16 at Columbia Crossing | TownLively

The hopes, wishes, and, yes, gripes of trail users will be heard at a public forum on Saturday, March 16, at the Columbia Crossing River Trails Center, 41 Walnut St., Columbia. Registration will open at 8:30 a.m., and the program will run from 9 to 11 a.m.



  1. Should be a packed session as much as the ney sayers on here talk, but doubtful anyone shows up. People like to complain so here is your chance. Probably also won't be covered either by the spy or news and views as it is something good

    1. Well spoken, tax tax tax, Mayor Lutz can’t park there, tax tax tax, Don Murphy can’t do that, Norm will save us, tax tax tax, council must be replaced, the town is failing and so on and so on...

    2. Spend, spend, spend. The PA state constitution is what will "save" us. Open your eyes and perhaps your mind will follow.

    3. Add up how many millions of dollars the taxpayers will owe in matching grants, then tell us how great all these ideas are. Pay attention or just pay.

    4. Can anyone use the kitchen yet???????

    5. No one can use the kitchen it is for looks only , rules from the board.

  2. Probably all ready in the works so what's the use. Tax Payers don't have much say in this town they just take our money. Spend spend and spend. See who puts a grocery store in Musser's that we need.

    1. $45,000 for half the study for starters,,NO MORE DAMB RIVER PARK , how hard is that!

  3. Hahahaha.......just listen to yourselves!!!! Council is a joke and so is the mayor.
    Who cares about Don Murphy, as long as he is self sustaining I support his efforts. Bring my property value up and bring me buyers so I can get the hell out of here!!!

  4. #foundthecouncilmember

  5. Keep it simple. Benches and port spots along the trail. If you spend $8 or $9 MILLION MORE ON RIVER PARK I think thats a slap in the face to all the hardworking middle class homeowners who are trying to sustain this town. MUST LISTEN TO YOUR CONSTITUENTS.

    1. Amen all of these people that want this should start with painting over the slang on the trails cement wall , they say this is the enterence to Columbia so put your body to work before you want tax payers money, and no way did 96000 people use that trail,they preloaded the counters to 80000 to start with, you can say what you want but the town knows the truth.

    2. Middle and lower class, thank you.

    3. and just how are the port a pot's going to get cleaned its not like they can drive that honey dipper of a truck on the trail their is no need for port a pot"s use the bathrooms at the money pit

    4. They can go in the woods like every one else.

  6. Ok lets see , we had to raise taxes to make ends meet ,so why even think about spending money for outsiders? This is just common sense for most of us , that trail and money pit are not going any where, use them and be happy with what you got, and hope they remain in the condition they are in now...…. PAINT THE WALL IT LOOKS LIKE HELL , people have to paint there houses, so practice what you preach.

    1. why paint the wall they will put graffiti on it again it has been painted over how many times already

    2. Welcome to Columbia should be painted over the graffiti.

    3. why so that can be painted over with graffiti also it will be a waste of paint

    4. The one board member is a scout leader , have the scouts paint the wall , with the right (CLEANABLE) paint, this is not rocket science , or cameras to catch the people doing it. We have spent WAY TO MUCH TAX PAYERS MONEY ON THIS , HAVE THE BOARD DO FUND RAISERS Like the fire company , they dipped into tax payer money way to long.

  7. Why use our TAXES for outside people who dob't pay a cent here. They come take a ride and leave. Take a survey how many people from our town use it. And the employees cost us money too.

    1. What about the people who DO live here and DO pay taxes? At leas one person in my family uses that trail EVERY SINGLE DAY. If you are not taking advantage of the recreational opportunities that are available to you, that is unfortunate. Besides, if you will recall, very few of your tax dollars actually were used for the construction of the river park and trail. People coming here from other towns to ride bikes, run, walk, fish, bird watch, or whatever, also eat, drink, buy fuel, purchase supplies, and spend time in our community doing other things. That translates into revenue for our local economy. Look at the cars with the bikes on their racks around town on a weekend, those are not Columbia folks parked outside the brewpub or antique shop, by and large, residents here would not need to drive their bikes to the trail.

    2. Your assuming alot.

    3. No, not really. Use the trail. visit the river park for a picnic. You'll see not only how nice, but also how popular they are. Look around town on a nice weekend and notice how many folks have bikes or kayaks on their cars. Its not hard to see.

      Other posters here are right. This site peddles negativity and many of us that comment here never have anything good to say about anything in town. I am over-joyed that I have 16 miles of traffic-fee trail to run, walk, and bike. My children can ride their bikes there unfettered and I don't have to worry about cars. In the summer, there's not much better than walking down to the water to catch a sunset on a random Tuesday night. These are things that I value in a hometown. When I come home from work, I want recreational opportunities. We have plenty! And there're good ones! That's one of the main reasons why I bought I home in Columbia. Don't assume that because you don't take advantage of them that other do not place a high value upon them.

    4. Walked the trail once and spent most of my time dodging the unfettered bicyclists. Will never do it again unless bicycles are banned.

    5. You can still walk to the river and see the sunset without spending a fortune.

    6. #foundthecouncilmember

      Funny how when you disagree with council or other powers to be, you ar called "negative". This site isn't for those who refuse to take off their rose colored glasses. This site is for the realists.

    7. All these people say they use the trail , call a work party for a saterday and see how many (users) show up. NO have borough employees clean it up at tax payers expence.

    8. WORK PARTY THESE PEOPLE WILL NOT HELP , they will run down the people cleaning up, out of towners don,t care , just like the hot heads councjl puppets.

  8. I know an out-of-town couple that frequent the antique shops in Columbia, but always leave to eat in other towns. The trail is not very safe for pedestrians, you nearly get run down by the cyclists. Revenue for our local economy? Revenue for the business owners.

    1. Wow. The last poster is right. Everything is always so negative. No offense, but you are missing so many good things in what you just wrote. I’ll break it down for you:

      1) I know an out-of-town couple that frequent the antique shops in Columbia, but always leave to eat in other towns.

      Out of town folks are frequenting our antique shops. This is a good thing. People are coming here and spending money. Sure, maybe all of them are not staying for a meal, you can’t win them all, right? But you can win some and some is better than none.

      2) The trail is not very safe for pedestrians, you nearly get run down by the cyclists.

      While I disagree and feel very safe on the trail, you are realizing that there is traffic on the trail and that means it’s popular and being used. That’s a good thing. This also presents an opportunity to learn about and practice safety, courtesy, and sharing. These are good values to live by and teach to our children.

      3) Revenue for our local economy? Revenue for the business owners.

      Vibrant businesses are worth more that blighted, vacant storefronts. That helps to stabilize the tax base, which helps to make large tax increases in the future less necessary. Plus, it means jobs for residents, as well as services and places for us to frequent as well.

      You see, the thing about Fraggle Rock is that the Fraggles never left the rock. They never saw things from the outside in. There are always more than one way to look anything.

    2. Please heed your own advice. If you are not a Columbia borough taxpayer, try to see it from our side.

  9. Bottom line is, the river park has cost taxpayers enough and will for years. At the beginning it was to be no cost to the taxpayer but that was a smoke screen to accomplish personal agendas. Enough is enough, time to put money and efforts into real problems in the town. Also Time for Murphy and Cle to step down, they are out of control.


    1. we need a union street ramp , the street dept can do the work , there at the money pit all the time anyway, Ask the borough manager how many hours a week they are there. opps she will say she does not know , but a real manager would know this , the guys are union , so somebody should know.

    2. Yes that would be a excellent place for the church to do it,s thing

    3. Yes let the tax payers get something out of the borough property.

    4. The cottage owners will end up controlling the Locust St and Union St ramps.


    6. Only till leo is voted out.

  11. I can tell you whom is benefiting from the trail, Marietta. the trail is closer to all those businesses on Front Street. Easy to stop for a bite to eat.

  12. You are correct. If I decide to drive over from Lancaster, I will definitely park at the Marietta end. I refuse to hike the bypass for a tour of the Colonial plant and listen to its roar.

    Al dodson

  13. If there were 96,000 people on the trail last year , someone would have set up a movable stand to sell drinks and energy bars , but as stated here I think they pre loaded the counters by at least 75,000 , the leaders in this town lie so much they believe there own lies.

    1. Take the 6 warmest months x 30 days. That gives you 180 days. 96,000 / 180 = 533 per each of those days. Completely plausible. I'm guessing you have never been to the trail or have even watched it for more than the few seconds it takes you to drive by on 441, but it gets pretty crowded.

    2. I've been there numerous of times, 533 per day,,, hardly.

    3. I am going to bring my 4 horses there to the trail , if a bike runs at them there will be a problem , hope the borough is ready for a law suit , public property, and the Columbia borough line is not up the trail past goods park, so they have nothing to say about it.

    4. I've been there summer evenings where I've seen 500 in a few hours. So, hardly your hardly.

    5. Oh yeah, because that really helps to reject the "entitled horse owner" stereotype.

  14. What about the traffic lite at the money pit, if you are going north on heritage and come to the tracks there is nothing telling you that you can not turn right over the tracks and then a lite stoppes you on the tracks, this is a problem that needs attention now before someone gets hurt or worse. I can't see how that all of these powers that be have not seen this problem or is it that the pit is not used as much as they all say. IF nothing can be done , heritage has to be one way south , before someone gets killed there. The board at the pit wants drinking fountains for dogs but over looks a very serious problem there.

    1. Probably should just remove the Locust St. crossing (or make it a pedestrian crossing only), then upgrade Union Street crossing, and funnel all river park traffic there via Heritage Drive.

    2. There is no locust street crossing.

    3. What does the board at the money pit do except find ways to spend TAX PAYERS MONEY ? Find a answer for this problem before someone gets killed, this is serious ,and could be a law suit for Columbia. Heritage should be one way south till some one finds a way to control ALL traffic there. If the pit is used by a hundred thousand a year , one of the brains that come up with all the ways to spend tax money should fix a real problem not seal the concreat for thousands , 4 thousand for more cameras, 4 thousand for a pa system , rocking chairs , 115,000 to manage it, not to mention the docks and all the borough employee time, the things that are important just get let go , just like council, oh a old council member said they inhertited the problems , well they made these, plain and simple.

    4. I meant Walnut St. (should have been simple enough to infer).

  15. Countin em coming an goin, I recon.

  16. Locust street crossing is not a crossing anymore has not been for along time

    1. It is publicly accessible off of Heritage drive. That area could be another ramp or even a fishing pier. Enough riverfront has been sacrificed already. Time to let the public have what is theirs.

    2. Come on Mary a ramp is a ramp , boro property is boro property , make 2 ramps for the public, the money pit is big enough .

    3. The money pit board is a JOKE, they should do fund raisers for money, tax payers paid enough!!!!!


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