Monday, February 11, 2019

Masonry contractor requesting variance for Front Street building

Living Stones Masonry LLC is requesting special exception(s) and/or variance(s) to produce exterior stone veneer products at 53 North Front Street, according to a letter (shown above) taped to the door of the address. The letter also gives notice of a Zoning Hearing Board meeting on February 27 to consider the request.

53 North Front Street


  1. Absolutely not !!! These people are not members of the Columbia council! There for they can not do as they please....perhaps they could get a mcmurphy permit from a fat guy in a trench coat in a dark ally....

    1. All they need to do is buy a cup of coffee from the right place.

    2. The right place should probably borrow a few million dollars to hire some folks that actually make a good cup of coffee ....or build a meth lab in the basement to further fund the pipe dreams ....

    3. hold on there the coffee shop should be shut down till there are hand rails up both sets of steppes, and there is no door numbers on either building. This should have been done before opening. Oh yes the taxes are not paid on 24 or 26 s2nd street either , SLECTIVE ENFORCMENT AGAIN!!!!

    4. Taxes aren't paid on 22 S 2nd either!

  2. Awesome. Business coming into the borough. Don't screw it up

    1. Don't worry, council will. Look at how they gave KT Graham the runaround with one council man doing his Grand Inquisitor routine like he did to the land bank guy.

  3. Something else behind the back door. I was at the meeting and the KT Graham wanted that bldg and was told council would check on parking
    and now all of a sudden someone else is getting it. No wonder no one wants to come here. Someone lied in front of all the people at that meeting. I can't wait til new council people get in.

    1. This is a different address/building. KT Graham wants to lease the old fire company which is a borough owned property. This is where the trash hauler was located.

    2. Thanks for the clarification Sharon. Amazing how some will spiral/vent without even knowing the basic facts.

  4. It's amazing how opinionated peoolp are when they're anonymous. I mean I don't disagree with anything here. Own it folks. This is why they continue on doing whatever they wish .


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