Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February 2019 Delinquent Tax List available at Lancaster County Treasurer's Office

The February 2019 Delinquent Tax List is available at the Lancaster County Treasurer's Office and can be downloaded  HERE.


  1. Wow, $120,149.21 in taxes for all Don's investments. How do you make a profit when you have a tax bill like this one? Maybe we should have a special tax to help people pay their taxes? What do you think Council?

    1. So that being sad who would approve a loan for him based on this? This has been going on for some time now. Yet he was given a large chunk for Hinkle's renovations & now wants more for a hotel. Wow council I'm not a financial official but common sense tells me "Hell No". Anyone else should feel the same. But I suppose "common sense is not so common"!!

    2. Who told you he is getting a loan for a hotel. I would get your facts straight before you go assuming things.

    3. Gifts: parking garage, tax abatements

  2. I plan to visit Cleon's coffee shop, purchase items and walk out without paying...based on his actions that would be acceptable.

  3. How can he get away with that and still wants to do more. What if I owed taxes they would sheriff me. This should be in a newspaper. And the borough lends him our taxpayer money wowie.

    1. Because he’s the man!! Investing millions on this town when nobody else would. You guys tried to call him out on this last year. Pays his taxes every July.

    2. Yes. Thanks Murphy's. Your doing great things

    3. We could all do great things with other people's money, probably even better than the Murphys!

  4. Ok one comment was a bit over the top but really? I went to good old Columbia High. So I guess that makes me uneducated in your eyes. Suppose most of the town is uneducated then. Ignorant no. My mother raised us to be polite & have manners. My dad taught us to speak up for what's not right. That's what I'm doing not being hateful. And just so you know our taxes our paid on time to receive the discounted amount. Thank you.

  5. According to the Lancaster County tax office, if a name appears on the list the tax was or is delinquent. No if, ands, or buts about it, the tax was not paid by the due date. It's interesting how a councilman who is also on the finance committee and the developer who received funding from borough taxpayers are both delinquent.

  6. Do you see any other big investors in Columbia with delinquent or overdue taxes? Elite Energy (NO), Sahd Salvage (NO), Burger King (NO), Eastern Drillers (NO) and it goes on and on. Then we have the 90%+ homeowners that were not on the list. So having your name on this tax delinquency list is NOT being a good business man.Look at Mr. Doolittle who started the heavy investment in Columbia and took on too much to finish and maintain stability. He is now looking at foreclosure on several properties.

  7. Regarding the tax payments being made in July: It appears that several of Cimarron's properties were on the delinquent tax list dated April of 2018 for the years 2016 and 2017. Two years is just skirting sheriff's sale. If home owners do this, it makes getting their next mortgage difficult. If only they had access to a Revolving Loan Fund.

  8. Delinquent taxes accumulate interest at 9%. It would be far cheaper to get a loan and pay the taxes on time. Of course you need to have good enough credit to do it.

  9. How can these people face the residents in this town owing so much in taxes. If I owed taxes they would want to take my home.


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