Monday, February 18, 2019

Columbia Borough Meetings - Week of February 18, 2019


  1. Planning should plan things for the town ,no more river park to suck tax payers money away for outsiders.

    1. If funding nice things like the river park means a tax increase, well then sign me up! I have lived in Columbia my entire life, except for when I went away to college, and the changes I've seen in recent years are great! My kids and I love to walk down to the river park and spend time, its BEAUTIFUL!

    2. Yes it is nice but it is big enough , 8 or 9 million can be used in the town, not the never ending pit. Use it be happy with it, but depriving the rest of the town is wrong.

    3. That's why the same aggressive grant winning strategy used thus far needs to be employed moving forward. The borough only funded a fraction of what is currently there. If I recall correctly from everything I have read, we have about $100,000 invested in a $4.5 million project. That's awesome.

    4. Not all grants work out that way. We are funding over $100,000 a year to manage that building. We are also providing maintenance and groundskeeping. Keep grabbing grants and soon the taxpayers portion won't be "awesome", it will be astronomical.

  2. They only tell you half of the story, Columbia out and out , the borough so called manager should publish how much time and money we pay for the pit, the truth not the smoke screen that Mary has made over the years.

  3. We are also receiving reimbursements for that $100,000. And before someone calls me an "insider" or #foundthecouncilmember, this is public info. Just ask. In addition, I know from grant work that I have done over the years, some grants may be used to cover the matching funds for other grants. Or, in kind expenses like feasibility studies or maybe borough employees doing some maintenance work can be used as a grant match. That's just smart project planning. And, look we have borough employees for a reason. they perform a variety of important services across the borough from street repair to sinkholes and yard waste to stormwater maintenance. Why is it a problem if they do some work at river park? Its their job and they are getting paid for it. Also, park rangers and others, my husband and I included, do a lot of work for free around town, including the river park. The river park is a true gem for not only Columbia but both Lancaster and York counties. We need to harness its true and full potential. And through good grant work, everyone beyond Columbia will pay for it. But sometimes I think you folks would complain at a free beer party.

    1. Too many people think grant money = free money. No, it's our money.

    2. Yes we see your work, did you inherited that with the problems you all made and are making?? Enough is enough take care of what you got, don't make more of a burden on the tax payers, at least the ones that pay there share of taxes , how can you look at people when you let the one council member get away with not paying his? Did you inherit that too????

  4. Why don't the people do there own fund raisers like the fire company? let the tax payers money alone,we have seen the partical list of tax payer funded fixes at the money pit and it doesn't stop, it is big enough, and sense you know so much how many hours do our boro employees spend there a week ,etc??? They are depriving the rest of town from things that look bad, so for a few that don't raise money and spend ours do your own fund raisers , get the monkey off the tax payers back.


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