Sunday, February 10, 2019

About Town 2/10/2019

This week's photos from around Columbia
(Click/tap on photos for larger, clearer images.)

Don't put this stuff away just yet.
(More snow on the way?)

Hood ornament on a hearse

 There's the hearse now.

 Even before this week's big announcement about Colonial Metals, we noticed the sidewalk there had been cleared in anticipation of something (?)

 Nabbed one!

 Support the arts in Columbia.

 Rustic simplicity?
(Bootleg Antiques)

 Much bamboo growing and growing

 What's that doing there?

X really does mark the spot.
But what spot?
Markers like this appear on various sidewalks in town, mostly near intersections on Walnut Street.

 Photo event at the Take Away Refuse building

 According to Wikipedia:
"Lane splitting is riding a bicycle or motorcycle between lanes or rows of slow moving or stopped traffic moving in the same direction. ... Lane splitting means riding between two lanes of vehicles, while filtering can also refer to using space on the outside edge of same-direction traffic."

 The crossing to Columbia Crossing

 Large beer can with contents removed

 So why is all that debris piled in Shawnee Run at Route 462?


 Maybe someone didn't like the sign.

 You can try it, but you might face charges later.

 Free mattress in Avenue I

Another sign of impending snow?

And now for a short history lesson...

And ... far too many photos of last week's river conditions...

Bridge rehabilitation is projected to begin in 2022 - and not a moment too soon.


  1. Might want to try learning to spell some of the words you are using. Why are you bothering to comment or view photos if this is as bad as you say? Big words, small mind.

  2. What are you even talking about? Yours was the first comment 9n this post.

  3. I only come up to those standards on my good days; the rest of the time I’m a right b*****d.

    /2 - al dodson

  4. Your river photos are beautiful. Impossible to have to many.

  5. You tell them Sharon. You and Cole do a great job showing pictures around town. If they don't like them they don't have to look at them. Keep up your good work!

    1. Well said , thanks Cole and Sharon

  6. Somebody just got a new thesaurus.

  7. It must be one of the 7 gods of Columbia, and they are showing what they learned from the president , with nodding there head YES!!!

  8. Only one thing is wrong with the councilor list; cheap maybe with there own money but NOT the tax payers money.

  9. What happened that Steve Kaufhold quit ?

    1. He resigned,got a better job with the county. Interesting timing on that one....

  10. This is the council man trying to express himself before drinking.

  11. The first comment don't let your jealousy show to all. You probably couldn't keep up with the Spy with your intelligence.

  12. Well to read the first line, these words are being used to describe the comments of the photos (previous?) And the commenters themselves not of the photos(?)

  13. Rest assured it was not a council member


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