Friday, January 18, 2019

Updated Snow Emergency information from the Columbia Borough Manager

A significant winter storm is expected this weekend. We want to inform Columbia residents that the Borough is watching the developing weather conditions and will communicate if and when an official Snow Emergency declaration will take place. The declaration will be posted on the borough website and announced via email and on WGAL.

During a Snow Emergency, no vehicle may operate or park on a designated Snow Emergency Route. For your convenience, we have listed the routes below.

Safety is our number one priority and we appreciate your cooperation and patience.

Columbia Borough Snow Emergency Routes:

Chestnut Street (North Second to North Ninth Street)

Lancaster Avenue (Locust to Malleable Road)

Locust Street (Front to Ninth Street)

Ninth Street (Ironville Pike to Lancaster Avenue)

North Fifth Street (Chestnut to Locust Street)

North Third Street (Locust to Cedar Street)


  1. And where are these 600 cars trucks supposed to move to. There are no close parking areas for this amount of vehicles. Talk about a Safety issue it is all these residents out trying to find a space during a snow emergency and then having to walk home on slippery snow covered surfaces. This certainly wasn't thought out and another burden put on residents that will already be trying to dig out there walkways.

    1. Quit complaining People, try working with the boro on this matter and help to keep some of the streets cleared at the end of the STORM.

    2. Why don't you move your car to one of these lots and let those affected park in your spot.

  2. Just move your cars, and they will send the trolley around to give everyone a ride home from where ever they park!!

  3. Is this for real, where is the name of all things holy are we all to park? Chestnut street is bumper to bumper parked cars because of the over abundance of apartments and now we are to relocate our cars to where? Walnut street that has no parking , maybe 7th or 8th street oh no parking h spaces available there either .......

    1. 200, 300, 400 Blocks of Locust st, Municipal Parking Lots all FREE thanks to the Boro Council and Mayor Lutz.

    2. Are you gonna be my valet for one of those 50 spots?

  4. Lot at front and locust. How about the trail parking at Columbia crossing, river park......the area behind the water co.

    1. Yea, so if you live at ninth and locust or ninth and ironville pile you expect them to park at the river park and walk home 🤣

  5. Empty the garage full of junk, park there, or your backyard,front yard, somewhere else, perhaps the boro's secret lots between Locust/Walnut. Pay the 10$ tax, vs a 60$ towing tax

    1. Joe Six-pack are you peering into people's garages again to see what others have in them. You ought to worry about what you aren't doing.

    2. That was a "joke", some folks have no sense of humor, I won't post jokes andy more.
      Lancaster City opens the parking garages for free... Columbia???

  6. So you're telling people that in the snow and ice, which they are calling for ice, they're supposed to walk from the lot at Front and Locust clear back up to 9th Street...before the walks are even shoveled? That's a great plan.

  7. do you have a better idea? drop it off BEFORE it starts. At least it's somewhere safe to park it. Some people are NEVER happy.

    1. The better idea would be to chose a street with little parking needs like poplar street or purples lane and maple where most have driveways. Not 2 heavily parked streets in town.

    2. A better idea is for people to stop freaking out about half an inch of snow and a few drops of freezing rain. That includes the borough.

      I don't understand how this constitutes an emergency in even the broadest sense of the word.

  8. It would be nice if the borough had a plan. Each street on the snow removal route should have a pre-designated parking area. Most homes in this borough, as everyone is well aware, do not have off-street parking. Make a regulation and then let 600 people fight it out for parking! Half baked rules.

  9. Wait! I though you guys said we don’t have a parking problem lol. Build that garage!!! And the hotel!! Columbia is growing.

    1. Thanks Don Murphy

    2. Yes! Thanks Don Murphy. Great vision.

    3. Some people are blinded by their vision. Sometimes a vision is a hallucination.

  10. Seriously people. Do you think most towns have a plan? This is COlumbia, we are land locked and parking is a premium everywhere....mainly because of the number of rental properties everywhere and secondly because everyone has 2, 3, 4 vehicles per residence. Someone had posted a good idea about a few places to park your's more...poplar st along the old hospital, perhaps some schools and churches will step up and say people can park there if it's going to be so bad and they don't want anyone on the roads anyway. How about Gladfelters? Along Janson's on Cherry St? around Colonial Metals since it's closed?

  11. Where are they gonna put all of this snow??

    1. I dunno, the river could handle it, it's not frozen over, how WGAL's front lawn??

    2. They can't just put it in the river Joe because there is a group of people that think it's alright to throw trash in the streets. The river or the streets don't need the trash.

  12. Council could tear down market and put in a parking garage.

  13. Another storm of the century. How often do the weather people have to be wrong before everyone stops panicking. The groundhog is correct more often than they are.

  14. Just what does these routes serve. Police but not anything over to EMS or QRS. Also since the fire department is only one station now where is the emergency route for them. It looks like the route above is the bus route which is not not an emergency service.


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