Thursday, January 3, 2019

Calling all citizens! Public meeting this Sunday to discuss tax hike repeal and other issues

A public meeting will be held at 2 p.m. this Sunday, January 6, at 500 Chestnut Street to discuss repealing the borough's recent tax hike. Other issues will also be discussed including the formation of a citizens' coalition.

Petitions and voter registration forms will be available at the meeting. (So far, 915 signatures have been collected on petitions.)

All concerned citizens should attend and make their voices heard.

(Light refreshments will be served.)


  1. We should be able to use the crossing building for meetings , god knows we all paid for it.

  2. Where’s the meeting taking place at?

  3. 915 people signed petition,lets see how many show up,now is your chance to get answers and let them know how unfair this tax is

  4. Is this the house at the bend where the big clock is?

    1. I hope you would put this much effort into the school taxes as well they are worse than the boro taxes

    2. Yes, school tax is killing us no argument there. Some school services are mandated by the state so we cannot escape them at this time. On the other hand, municipal spending is more flexible. The state is not going to mandate that Columbia operate a trolley or build a multi-million dollar parking garage. Council has the power to block spending on many items placed before them. Any project costing borough taxpayers a significant amount of money should be on the ballot. That type of spending should never rest in the hands of four residents. That's the number it takes to pass. I'm not comfortable with that.

    3. Agreed 100%
      This council has overspent, frivolously at that. No concern for the taxpayers who live on limited income. These are not the type of people that should be serving the public, as they are representing a select few. Especially one that does not even live within the borough.

    4. Who doesn't live in the Boro? That is against the requirements.

    5. One of the select few that they are representing and catering to with a tax increase, does not even live in the borough.

  5. Republican General Shannon’s House. The General would roll over in his grave if he knew this democratic nonsense was happening in his beloved home.

    1. Yes, General Shannon was a Republican. Thanks for looking it up. And if you want to play the partisan card, remember it was Republican Noah Wenger's name that displaced Shannon's on the Walnut Street armory. Anyone who enters the house will immediately see how we honor his memory - photos, memorabilia. Democratic nonsense? You spelled "democratic" with a small "d," but surely, you don't think democracy is nonsense, do you? As far as the general rolling over in his grave, it's impossible to know what he would do, so you really shouldn't presume.

    2. Republican General Edward C. Shannon BELIEVED in democracy.  

      Since taking on his Columbia home, our mission has been to resurrect the history that has been neglected and in one instance stripped away by a Republican.

      Years ago, the Shannon Armory located on Walnut Street in Columbia had the name changed to the Noah Wenger building, erasing history.

      During the 2017 Christmas Tour of Homes, we shared the General's history over and over with about 100 people.  Photos and artifacts are kept on display daily in several areas on the main floor.  An empty place setting for Shannon has been on the dining room table for over one year.  

      Recently, we installed a plaque near the front door which sums up the history.

      This home could have fallen into the hands of someone who may have turned it into a rental or an Airbnb, losing the history forever.

      If anything, we are honoring democracy when we openly preserve the history of someone representing a different political view.

      Sharon Lintner

  6. Interesting that counter points of view never get "approved" for posting.

  7. More than one do not live in the boro but they like to spend our money if it was their money they would have second thoughts. Does the boro manager live in Columbia? We shuld only hire people who live here and pay taxes.

  8. now today 1/5 lnp dinglinger announces 8 to 9 million river park (money pit) expansion and she doesn't pat taxes here, nor is she qualified to be a manager. Lutz has visions of people laying out a blanket and reading a book on the grass, Well I see it as more work for the borough and hugh tax increases, not to mention the use of this would be for out siders at no cost to them .HUM A 700 person ampatheater for what? a 130 hammock for people to break there necks and sue the borough , I think Lutz , Murphy , Deninger , and the whole river park Wickenhieser advisitory board , and the 6 other council members be run out of town , and the 1 who doesn't pay his taxes or bills in jail . This town needs help but the money pit spending , with NO income potential is nutz, and these people don't care about the town or they wouldn't want to sink that kind of money into a park that just KEEPS TAKING and TAKING , I would like to know how many hours a week or season our workers are there? A real manager could tell us that, and what about the borough ramp at the end of union street , why is it not up graded and signage for public use ? Maybe it is to close to the mayors cottage , but it doesn't matter about others, it is public develop it , just like the pit. We raise taxes to make a park mainly for out side people to use , SOME THING IS VERY WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE. Who is going to pay for injuries on this hammock ? Yup you got it the tax payers , and why do we have a manager hell bent on development when she don.t live here or pay taxes here. The town so much more than a bigger money pit, it is big enough and paying $115,000 a year to S/H to manager it , and we maintain it, what do we get for that money ??

  9. These people have to be losing it to propose all that. Will they charge the outsiders to use it? No we older people who won't use it will pay for it. PLEASE think of the older citizens in this town. Who wants to give me a home when I lose mine because of taxes. They need their heads examined and the boro manager needs to go along with several others.

  10. this Council and Mgr has a vision. A vision to make this a ghost town. The WORKING TAX PAYING HOMEOWNERS CAN NOT AFFORD TO CARRY THIS BURDEN. IF this were Baltimore or some big city, it could work. There are NOT enough working tax payers to carry this load. We are poverty. what DON"T they get about that?

    1. yes. what i don't understand is how in the hell don't they understand???? they live in the boro and pay taxes too, unless they are all renters, which they aren't. EVERY SINGLE COUNCILOR AND BORO MANAGEMENT SHOULD HAVE TO ATTEND TRAINING, CLASSES SO THAT THEY UNDERSTAND, also finance classes so they know how that works too, so they STOP spending taxpayer MONEY on nonsense. SO they may have a clue how to run the boro. maybe they should also appeal to every entity with programs to help the boro. *** THE NEXT PHASE OF THE RIVER PARK SHOULD HAVE TO BE PUT ON THE BALLOT. OR AT THE VERY LEAST, A SURVEY DONE BY ONLY YES ONLY TAXPAYING HOMEOWNERS. NOT RENTERS. NOT VISITORS. THESE 7 PEOPLE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH NOR DO THEY LISTEN TO THEIR CONSTITUENTS TO MAKE SUCH DECISIONS!!!!!

  11. I agree with you 100%. Why should our money go to try to draw outsiders here. They should check how many residents would use all that and where is the money coming from. I wish I knew where their money trees were I'd like to have some. Fran and that new guy surprise me.


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