Friday, January 11, 2019

Calling All CANDIDATES! Citizens' Meeting this Sunday for citizens interested in running for council

Four Columbia Borough councilpersons are up for re-election this fall.

If you are interested in becoming a candidate to run for a council seat, please attend a citizen's meeting this coming Sunday for information about running. 

The meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 13, at 3 p.m. at 500 Chestnut Street.

All Columbia citizens are welcome to attend.


  1. Can you give us some insight into the three council members that are not up for re election ? , Like for example what are the ir reviews on the tax hike

    1. During the Tuesday night council meeting, the council president read a prepared response to the tax increase. Here's an excerpt from that response: "We have heard what you have said and are not insensitive to the effect a higher millage rate has on us all. We went through this process in an effort to keep the increase as low as possible. As a council, we feel that we have acted responsibly and in the Borough’s best interest. The 2019 budget and millage increase will remain as approved by Council and as affirmed by the Mayor."

      Further each of the councillors cast their votes approving the increase in December:

  2. Who are the four that are up? Really is time for a change.

  3. Are local businesses allowed to make campaign contributions to new people that want to run ?

    1. See this post:

  4. It appears from the website that
    John Novak, Kelly Murphy, Marilyn Kress Hartman, and Clean Berntheisel have terms that expire 12-31-2019. While Fran, Todd and Pam terms expire 12-31-2021. Those that don't keep taxes paid and don't live in the borough should be off the council now that's not exceptable.


  5. There will be people on hand to answer these questions at the meeting this Sunday. Voter registration forms will also be available. There will be a need to fill other roles in addition to candidates, so even those not looking to run for a seat on council can still help with the campaigns.

  6. You must live in the borough to be on the council has always been that way

  7. The Spy and its readers should remember this:

    and this:

    The loan program that this publication and many of its readers decry was used to help save Hinkles. Everyone praised that move and it turned out to be a really, really good thing for this community.

    1. Thanks Don Murphy. That was then this is now. People have learned a lot more about you since then.

    2. Yup, bring something to read at the CVS pharmacy , the line is 20 sick people long, on a good day

  8. Amen to the Murphy’s!! Don’t hate because they stepped up and are doing the real revitalization in town. More than I can say for that waste of a CEDC that the borough gave 1,000’s of dollars to. If Hinkles closed you would be complaining that the borough didn’t do anything to help save a 124 year old iconic business. Get your facts straight before you go pointing to them. 250,000 at 4.5% interest over ten years. Do the math. This loan was in place long before a tax increase and was based on a capital account investment at the time. Nobody is asking why the borough accountants aren’t being held responsible for changing the way the fund is funded. Maybe their accountant should be questioned. Think about that. I’m sure this won’t get posted because it shows that the Murphy’s aren’t the enemies here. Just look at the support they get on Facebook.


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