Friday, December 28, 2018

Tax Hike Petition Signing Continues Saturday, December 29, 2018

Due to numerous requests, petitions will once again be available for signing by citizens who have not yet signed.

When: Saturday, December 29, 2018, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Where: 500 Chestnut Street

The petition states:

“We, the undersigned taxpayers and/or residents of the Borough of Columbia, do hereby petition and demand that borough council hold a special meeting as soon as possible to do the following: 1.) To eliminate the $800,000 that was to be allocated to the Revolving Loan Fund in the 2019 budget; 2.) To repeal the Revolving Loan Fund Ordinance 897; 3.) To repeal the tax hike for 2019, thereby reinstating the 2019 tax rate at 6.6 Mills.”

[More times and locations might be offered in the near future.]


  1. Come on out people , stand up to the 7 gods, REPEAL this unneeded tax hike. Get common sense back jnto the boroughs spending. Start taking care of the town and stop throwing money at the never ending pit. We need term limits for council and experience at the management .

  2. Council why does Columbia need so many employees ?

  3. Council look at your selves , do you like what you see and have done? The tax payers see youall as pupets for the president and mayor , How can 7 people agree on a tax hike ? People think for your selves , not the others agendas. This council lost a good manager in Sam S. , look at Mt Joy now. He is straight up , experienced, not what we have due to YOUR back door crap, STRIGHTEN UP OR GET OUT AND LET A PERSON WITH A MIND AND COMMON SENCE IN THERE!!!!!

  4. I agree all those office employees and they don't even have to collect the sewer bills anymore. Why do we need an asst. manager can't the manager handle the job? And all those zoning people aren't needed so what if someone wants to park a car in their yard who pays their bills not the zoning people. People should be allowed to do what they want on their property. A lot of this only started when they hired Steve Kaufhold. Does he live in Columbia?

  5. What an amazing turnout today! We met a lot of concerned taxpayers and gathered an estimated (additional) 120 signatures, with the total now approaching 900. A huge thanks to those that expressed an interest in helping to collect signatures today. By late this afternoon they returned two full pages!

    Taxpayer dollars should not be used for the profit of private business. Our taxes go up and we make no profit, business gets ten year tax abatement, low interest loan, and they stand to profit.

    The spin is our property values go up. How does that help us unless we sell? It doesn't help, in fact it has the potential to raise our taxes even more. Create business all you want, but not on the backs of landlocked, tax-trapped residents.

    The residents that are in favor of doing this should open their own wallet and privately invest in these businesses. Let them take the risk and good for them if it all works out.
    Sharon Lintner

    1. Veey well put Sharon! I agree 100%!

    2. Agree 100%! We are being drained while these business are making out like thieves! Why can they not go to their bank for monies, and why should they be getting any breaks at our expense

    3. Thanks Deb, It's especially troubling to me when council provides their explanations using a conglomeration of trendy words designed to appease the taxpaying public. What then becomes even more discouraging, is that some residents accept the explanations without question. If we question or dare to disagree, we are (at best) called negative. Sometimes we are told to leave town. Do residents leave their homes if the pipes break or the roof leaks? No, they fix the problems and continue living there. Let's fix Columbia's spending problem so we all can continue living here.
      Sharon Lintner

  6. keep up the good work, thank you

  7. I think ALL tax payers in Columbia should hold there payments till all of the council members pay there taxes, this should tell out siders what kind of local government runs.

  8. Council president you are as bad for letting a council member on council and not pay his own taxes, it makes you look as bad as the mayor and the member, if you want to be on council you better have clean hands, and a cool head . Back door operations will and have shamed Columbia under your watch , please step up to the plate or step down, I for one am tired of being part of the laughing stock that you all created . Your name will be forever tarnished by the things that you allow to happen under your watch, and to this point it keeps going down hill. STEP DOWN OR DO THE RIGHT THINGS < remember it is your name and columbias name that's going to hell.

  9. Good for you Sharon and Joe for taking a step in the right direction about our taxes and all the other people who got petitions signed. Now what we need is for a lot of people to pack the meeting and show them we mean business. I hope this will happen that they might need a bigger room. Hopefully a lot will change when new people get elected the next time.


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