Sunday, December 16, 2018

About Town

This week's photos from around Columbia
(Click/tap on photos for larger, clearer images.)

 Getting up in the world?

Hold on to those buckets!

These two men were doing repairs on the communications tower next to the COLA building.
Whatever they're getting paid, it's not enough.

 Ornate historic grave markers at Mount Bethel, here and below

 A profile of Jesus at Laurel Hill

 Grave marker engraving at Laurel Hill


 Over on the 500 block of Walnut Street: Let's hope someone doesn't think this is acceptable.

 Someone just had to do it.

 Down at the Mifflin House on Walnut

 St. James Lutheran on South 10th

 Open-air gazebo

 Patriotic display at the VFW

 This is where the dumpsters hide, right next to the train cars.

 A horse is a horse, of course, of course - unless it's a weather vane.

 Fleet of tubs at Sahd Salvage

 A sign

 That water leak at the Columbia Plaza parking lot needs to get fixed before winter really sets in.

 Employee rights - being left behind

 A New Life at the rehab house on Walnut

 You don't see many of these around town.

 Christmas is coming.

 Trying to high-five the high five?

Bored on a board


  1. Is that spray paint on the sidewalk on Walnut St.?

  2. Pressure washer marks

  3. The cat at the bottom looks exactly like my Mitzi...just sayin....


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