Sunday, September 23, 2018

About Town

This week's photos from around Columbia . . .

Bikers from several motorcycle clubs attended the funeral of Tim Williams on Saturday morning at Holy Trinity Church. He was a Life Member of the Thunderbird Motorcycle Club.

His obituary is HERE.

About 30 bikes belonging to visitors lined up in the lot.
(Holy Trinity Church is on the right.)

Burial was at Holy Trinity Cemetery.

Visitors lined up to pay their respects.


More of Columbia's historic houses - topped by various spindles

 They come in different shapes.




This one came with a red-tailed hawk.

Shown here observing a moment of silence


 New net needed

 Relaxation's Transportation - Says it right there.

Sign in the alley

 Where did that come from?

 It sprang up recently - and suddenly - at the intersection of Franklin Street and Franklin Road. The previous structure at this location burned down a few years ago.

 Rock-solid watchdog

 Rock-solid watchfrog

Lion in town square

 Shadow cat?

Owned by this "shadow" person?
(Note the missing fingers.)

 New rockers at Columbia Crossing

 Across the river

 A wink and a nod

 Possible Mitch McConnell sighting?

 FREE - 
Wood you believe it?

 Power washing the boat ramp 

 Men In Black


A walk up the river trail . . .

 The tube runneth over.

 Flutterby on flower

 Under the bridge

 Up at the old furnace

 A look inside

 Hiding place?

 Entrance and exit


 Looking up

 Back outside

 West Hempfield

Spare rails?

Onward to the tunnel!

Up close

Right on through

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign

 Blubbery growths on a rotting log

Lichen City . . .


 We're told this is a mechanical tire changer.

Another one of those painted rocks

 For your kitchen counter

 New sidewalk on the 500 block of Walnut

Tuned in

 Once again, but a different driver this time
(See last week's "About Town.")

Tube near the tracks

 This might set a precedent.

 Fallen stone slabs on the 500 block of Chestnut

 Fancy fence

 Ornate gate

 Another view of the Market House


 Busy window

 Busy scene

 Escort service

 BBQing the chickens at CBFD



 Out on Purple's Lane- Foam was found in the water here on Friday.

 Supposedly, fish were killed here due to exposure to the chemical foam from a fire department training exercise at Columbia High School.

 In other news, looks like things at this outfall have fallen apart.

Here too.

The following photos were submitted to Columbia Spy:


Poor housekeeping uptown

Poor housekeeping downtown


  1. "Another device with no discernible purpose"

    It's a mechanical Tire Changer. Back when you did it manually.....

    1. Thanks. I edited the caption to reflect that info.

    2. How can Wrightsville have it's own trash removal and Columbia doesn't , maybe Eric can help Leo past this on to the council.

    3. Wrightsville could teach this group a lot about taking care of citizens and how to spend tax money , it is nite and day between the towns

  2. Where is that house at

  3. machine is a tire changer

  4. The device you show is an old manual tire changer. Where is that located?

    1. It's at Bootleg Antiques on Bridge Street

    2. I don't get these "antique" dealers here in town. That tire machine either needs at least painted, stored indoors, or sold to scrap. They are asking 500 dollars for it. Say what??

    3. $500 and parts are missing . You can find them in junk yards for scrape prices.

  5. Where is the pipe and the headwall pic taken?? Is that by the high school? ( concrete pipe seperation)

    1. Alone Purples Lane and also back near Route 30.

    2. Isn't the storm water pipes part of the system of the retaining basin at Cloverton dr which the borough told the people that they didn't get money to take care of, and they found a copy of the check.

    3. On the new side walk on walnut street , is it going to be a brick inlay between the walk and the curb? If so who is to take care of the weeds that come up between the bricks like the walks that have this done? The ones that have the weeds growing look worse than to have a grass stripe or concreat . Another fart????

    4. The basket ball back board (metal) is just fine , who is the one who oked the glass ones at the other play ground , please look and learn, you are spending tax payers money people. Don't you think one of the older basket ball players could put a 4 dollar net up , they come in from all over to use these courts.

    5. It is easy to spend other peoples money , $1000 for a glass back board , this person should have $100 a pay for the next 10 pays take to teach them the value of a dollar or termination . We will see what kind of a manager we got this time through the back door.

  6. Can people really use the rocking chairs at the money pit? I know they don't use the kitchen there.

    1. I hope they chain them down , heaven knows the cameras don't work good enough to catch any one.

  7. The "tube" should not run over. These "tubes" were meant to contain bags for people to pick up dog waste. They were never intended to be disposal sites. Pick it up, take it with you. Dog poop bags not dog poop disposal.

    1. They should have a sign there telling people

    2. I doubt a sign would help.

  8. I don't understand how the trashy porch from "uptown" is allowed to be that way. The codes department seems to be out in force picking on homeowners for chipping paint, missing bricks etc. Trash on porch ... no problemo!

    1. Looks like cleaning supplies...not trash. Why I agree it is unsightly it is not a health or safety issue. Many believe the property codes address cosmetic issues which they do not.

    2. Is chipping paint on a porch a safety issue? Is a gallon of iced tea and a slushy cup a cleaning supply? Now we know whose home it is!

    3. Chipping paint can most certainly be a health and safety issue. Obviously if the paint is lead based it is a health issue. Paint is used mainly for two beautify something and to protect a surface. I can show you several porches in Columbia where the paint is chipping, or worse, on the wood pillars allowing the wood underneath to decay. Certainly a safety issue.

    4. because no one up higher told the code guy to pick on that one

    5. The humidity and rain have not allowed wood to dry out sufficiently for proper painting. Some "professional" painters have even used umbrellas to paint in the rain. That's a job that may satisfy codes, but will never last. It's certainly not protecting the wood.

      Codes needs to back off on painting citations this year.

    6. i agree! everyone SHOULD realize that with the moist, wet, humid conditions all this NOT the environment to paint exterior. I'd get a lawyer. code dept SHOULD know that. they're professinals?! i would NOT waste my hard earned money on a paint job that SEALS IN THE MOISTURE AND WILL CREATE EVENMORE ISSUES! wow.


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