Saturday, August 18, 2018

Last week at the library: reptiles and a dedication

Herpetologist Jesse Rothacker finished out the Columbia Public Library's summer reading program series with "Rockin' Reptiles" Thursday evening - to the delight of children and adults. Rothacker, the founder of Forgotten Friend Reptile Sanctuary, presented a variety of reptiles - snakes, lizards, crocidilians, and a tortoise named "Abraham" - to onlookers in Locust Street Park. Children were permitted to handle and touch some of the animals. 

A volunteer handles a snake.

Rothacker's son Kenny wears a snake.

And so does Dad.

A green iguana has its eye(s) on some grapes.

Kids give the show a thumbs-up.

Kenny holds a baby alligator.

There's no shortage of volunteers.

Lisa Greybill, the library's executive director, helps out with a snake.

Kids touch a snake, here and below...

Abraham the tortoise dines on grass.


It was a busy week for the library. Besides hosting several events, staff and volunteers held a dedication ceremony on Sunday in Locust Street Park. Attendees included board members, architects, and state, county, and local officials, and residents.

Melanie Cruz-Bernard sang the National Anthem. She is shown here flanked by Lancaster County Commissioner Craig Lehman (left), PA Secretary of Education Pedro Rivera, and Lancaster County Commissioner Joshua Parsons.

Pioneer Girls led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Several dozen attended the dedication. 

Pedro Rivera offered remarks...

as did Ed Wickenheiser...

Mayor Leo Lutz...

Craig Lehman...

and Representative Stan Saylor...

as attendees listened.

Speakers offered remarks from the gazebo.

Pioneer Girls watched and listened from the sidewalk.

Pedro Rivera spoke with some of them after the ceremony.

CPL Board President Jeanette Shirk and Board Treasurer Gregg Dubbs cut the ribbon. 

Guests toured the renovated library afterwards. 

Guests got to see new computers...

new furniture...

a bust of Columbia poet and painter Lloyd Mifflin...

and lots of books.

Lisa Greybill, the library's executive director, was pleased with the renovations. 

The director's new office space...

and a view of the outside.

The basement held more shelves...

and a reading/meeting area.

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