Saturday, June 16, 2018

Delinquent Tax Report posted

The June 2018 Delinquent Tax Report is posted HERE.


  1. Cimmaron is on the current list nine times, as well as other Columbia properties.

    1. Maybe Cimmaron can get the Citizens of Columbia to pay the back taxes since is is "Our Town" - Funny how Cimmaron takes the credit for making property values go up in "our town"

  2. The mayor repeatedly has said the borough needs about $15,000 in order to purchase gym equipment for our youth to have a place to exercise and feel comfortable. They have not been able to find those funds, yet they can quickly find money for a $650,000 grant. They can throw $67,000 at a park study. $400,000 for new lighting on a state road, the list goes on and on. Maybe the youth can take trolley rides all day. Now what was that about how important the youth programs are?

    1. Where the Skate Park the Borough promised to our youth ?

  3. yep wake up and smell the reality. this council spends friviously while the real needs get turned down

  4. The mayor lies so much he is starting to believe his own lies, sot spending at the money pit, and you will havesome money to help the youth.

    1. This is the last term for the Mayor - he's going to take us for all he can.

  5. $74,529

  6. The borough officials are quick to tell residents that the private business ventures will raise property values. Say our home values do go up, how is that helping us, unless we sell our property? As long as we are here that won't work in our favor. It may even cause our taxes to go up.


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