Sunday, May 20, 2018

From the grapevine & elsewhere

Recent tidbits you might not hear about elsewhere. Some could be expanded later...

Shakim McIlwain

On Friday, Shakim McIlwain was sentenced to 4-10 years for his part in last year’s wolfpack attack on a 61-year-old Columbia man. Judge Donald R. Totaro repeatedly called him “a danger to society.” (From the grapevine)


137 Locust Street

The building at 137 Locust Street, formerly the “Lazy K,” is reportedly in the process of being sold to a party affiliated with the apartment project across the street. The building had been up for sale for two days when an offer of $400,000 was accepted by the seller, who had been asking $475,000. (From the grapevine)


A joint meeting of borough and school district officials will be held this coming Thursday, May 24, at 7 p.m. at the District Administration Center, 200 North 5th Street. Officials at this public meeting will discuss options and costs for moving the municipal offices from the current location at 308 Locust Street, possibly to the DAC. As of this posting, no notification of the meeting appears on the borough’s website or the school district website. (Public Works/Property, 5/15/18)


West Hempfield Township is proposing an urban growth area boundary expansion. Development is typically promoted in such areas by the Lancaster County Planning Commission. Areas under consideration are adjacent to residential areas in Columbia, possibly along Malleable Road or Ironville Pike and could include mixed-use, high-density residential, and light business. The issue will be discussed at the May 22 Planning Commission meeting. (Safety Committee, 5/9/18)


Despite Facebook reports to the contrary, the borough does NOT own a drone, according to several officials. (Community Development, 5/17/18)


The borough’s trolley broke down during the last rental but was fixed immediately. Officials said they don’t know where it broke down. Currently, there are no provisions in place to accommodate passengers in the event of a breakdown. Policies are being examined. For rentals, the trolley must stay within a 20-mile radius from Columbia. (Community Development, 5/17/18)


This might affect Columbia: A Category 4 casino is planned for Hellam Township or another nearby location. A site will be chosen next month. (From the grapevine)



  1. Turn the market into a casino!

  2. Really do not think the boro hall should be moved out of the downtown and off the main downtown street.

  3. I agree that the borough office should stay in the downtown area. I am sure they have planned to move it. That is why there is no announcement of the meeting. They will sneak it in like they do all the school business .

  4. I think the boro offices should stay where they are. They want to revitalize Locust St that will look terrible not to have them there. Actually it should be a referendum on the ballot for the people to decide after all we pay taxes and should have a say.
    Good idea a casino in the market house will bring money to town.

  5. The 2nd money pit brakes down , more tax payer money.

    1. FREE trolley (DOA)

    2. Comes with a lifetime supply of fuel filters, though!

  6. Chestnut Street will be the new Locust Street.

  7. They probably want to move off Locust before all the low income "millennial" housing opens up.

  8. How long has the Boro office been at its current location?

  9. The boro may not *OWN* a drone, but do they *USE* a drone? Huge difference.

    1. The borough used a drone to picture the bridge bust last year , this crew (mayor on down) lie so much they believe there own talk.

    2. You can't believe a thing the borough or mayor says!

  10. Any large project that will cost the taxpayers for decades to come should definitely be a ballot item. No way should a handful of people make a decision to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on a project just because "they" like the idea.

  11. $300,000 liting on 462 , 126,000 208 210 ,90,000 to study money pit expantion,8,000 to seal steps at money pit, 20,000 slab undermoney pit , 32,000 fence at money pit ,8,000 trees money pit , and what happened at council meeting to burry utility lines at new 38 appartments 30,000 for a developer problem , this list goes on and on . don't council have any sense , this is our money they are spending. $95,000 for dellinger when greg was 65,000 , come on people and now Helm not telling of rehab house , this is beyond shady , a council should be transparent not behind doors , are they getting kick backs or something?

    1. What is the money pit? Is it the market house? Not sure what you are referring to.

    2. The money pit is leo's pet prodject the river park, we pay susquhanna heritage $115,000 a year to manage it and all expences, $11,000 for them to manage the free trolley and we pay all expences ,and the driver and guide.

    3. Got it! That does make sense now!

    4. Is council trying to bankrupt the borough? Or is there way to much money being collected threw taxes?

  12. Don't forget the feasibility study for the sewer plant, that was about $76,000. I think there was a feasibility study for a hotel in Columbia too. Feasibility study for DAC building to house borough employees. Wasting money.

    1. THe mayor and council all lost there minds , Columbia council president stated that Columbia didn't raise taxes in 10 years, that means that the tax payers were way over taxed for 10 years if we have this kind of money to burn , the wasted money list goes on and on!

    2. And there is a roomer saying we (tax payers ) are putting $600,000 into the hotel , council must be nutz , and NO POLICE DOG why mayor can't we afford it?

  13. i agree the Boro offices SHOULD stay where they are. the codes guys SHOULD be out on the streets and NOT being paid to sit inside. period.

  14. # vote for new leaders next time around. The same people have been at it for too long. Small projects the borough has been given money for have not been completed but some of the funds mysteriously disappear? Plus planning to fine the town so much to get the budget fixed? What kind of leaders plan to fine their community xx,xxx amount of dollars to fix budgeting? No wonder so mamy people have been ticketed on petty things lately. When will the next codes officer get stuck on a fence for climbing to look over into a yard? Highest school and property taxes around but lowest education and some of the lowest property values not to mwntion horrible roads. Things have not been adding up for years. And its only getting worse. Stop voting for the same peole if you want change.


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