Thursday, April 26, 2018

Police find 17-year-old hiding in attic after he entered property illegally

On 04-22-18 at approx. 5:27PM the Columbia Borough Police were called to an address in the 200 blk. of S. 8th St. for a report of a possible Burglary In Progress complaint. It was reported to police that the victim was receiving phone calls from her apartment phone number and that no one is supposed to be in her apartment. Police arrived and saw signs that the apartment may have been entered and contacted the landlord. The landlord responded and police made entry. Officers on scene located a 17 year old male hiding in an attic crawlspace during the search. The juvenile male was taken into custody and turned over to York County youth services. The juvenile was charged with Criminal Trespass, a felony of the 2nd degree.

Incident Date: 
Sunday, April 22, 2018 - 5:27pm

Incident Type:

Case Number: 



200 blk. S 8th St.
Columbia, PA 17512


  1. What is going on in that area of town? Stabbings , shooting at officers , break in's, Columbia needs a police dog to go in after these people mayor , we don't see the # 1 cop entering these buildings , why ask your officers too when a good dog is the answer.

    1. Dogs won't solve the stabbings, the potshots at officers or the break-ins. Dogs are for drugs, first and foremost. I do agree that we need a drug dog in Columbia. But that won't solve all the other crap. And when that doesn't work, then we will be inundated with gossip about the tax dollars going to fund a dog that can't catch someone who shot at someone else.

    2. DETERANT If you think crimmals don't think about police dogs running them down ,you are wrong

    3. The last dog Columbia had was privately funded other than the officer's salary, the dog was at the hambones with children and there was no problem other than the kids didn't want to leave. When the mayor got a bug up his but and stopped the program , there was over $50.000 in the k9 account that was given to Hellem for there dog, THANK YOU MAYOR LUTZ..

  2. I think that the mayor is afraid of dogs , why else would he deprive this town of a drug dog to help make it safe? Dogs work ask towns that have them.


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