Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Coming this Summer: Columbia Kettle Works in Lancaster

If you've been hearing rumors of a new taproom in downtown Lancaster, we're here to confirm it's all true! This summer, Columbia Kettle Works will be opening a brand new taproom at 112 N. Water Street, in the same location as Zoetropolis Art House.




  1. makes perfect sense ! - Columbia would be lost without Lancaster, for sure

    1. Once they get established in Lancaster it will good bye Columbia.

  2. I sure hope not! It's doing very well!!!

  3. Im pretty sure they will stay in town, hence COLUMBIA kettle works!!but then again if all the negative ass holes talk to them they may leave,, the columbia spy does alot of good things, i dont think cole post things on his sight to constantly get negative results, he does it to inform and show columbia people whats going on,, i really hope the people that post all the negatives on here have a perfect life, i never met a perfect person but on here im thinking there are alot of them

    1. It's Columbia. Bitching is the official pastime here.

    2. The thought is there, the delivery needs a lot of work.

    3. Columbia has always been this way. If 1% of those bitching actually did something, things would get done.

      Everyone wants new mayor/council. Yet you never see new names on the ballot. Bitching is easy.

  4. If people have real concerns they are entitled to "bitch". By referring to them as negative "ass holes" you are attempting to attach a stigma to them and shut down their freedom to voice concerns. When you have a site such as this one would hope that you expect discussion. Discussion is healthy and often contains points and counter points. Change can occur from allowing civil discourse. Shamefully, we have as a country and now this town attempted to shut down discourse by labeling anyone who dissents as "ass holes".

    1. Go to a council meeting,this may change your mind on some things.

  5. 4/12/18 Columbia borough council is talking about putting 1 million dollars in to the market house,new floor,electric,heating painting,etc..I assume they didn't get any bids on leasing it so we will through a million tax payer dollars at it to get more of the same.It will be cheaper to make it into a borough anx.

  6. Why would you put a million dollars into the .market house what are they going to do with it of course we know what one person on the council would like to do with it a ball room really in Columbia why didn't they just let it like it was a market house no they just want to spend more tax money when is going to stop eveyone will soon be leaving this town it is really sad

    1. the person on council should have had to have a credit check before he was put on council, if a person can't handle there own money why the towns?

  7. Comment by Sharon Lintner:
    Any elected official must be willing to answer questions from the taxpaying public. If that makes them uncomfortable, then their name never should have appeared on the ballot to start with. If a question makes an elected official become defensive or hot-headed then that person is hiding something. No elected official has the right to belittle any taxpayer, yet I have seen this done repeatedly. If the taxpayers are not asking questions, then they aren't paying attention or else they have no sense of civic duty. Civic duty includes paying taxes. Columbia Borough and Columbia School District (combined) collect over $500.00 a month from me in taxes. If I were paying $500.00 a month for anything else you can believe that I would expect to know and be in agreement with where that money is being spent. Just because a handful of residents AKA: council, decide on a project, doesn't necessarily make it the right decision and I do not have to like it or agree with it. $500.00=The right to "bitch."

    1. Exactly!!! You should!!!

    2. GREAT Sharon said it all, watch the mayor when ask about money or a dog for the police dept.


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