Monday, February 12, 2018

About Town

 Read Local

 We investigated the road condition shown above after we received this comment:

"check out the street and gutter at 320 s 2nd street it has been like this for at least 3 years . didn't we have a wheel barrel of paving left when we paved the road along the rail road tracks? how much does cold patch cost , it could have been put in with the 40,000 dollar fence...."

 The Grinch, apparently contemplating some deviltry.
 (He's in the window of Tacos to Go.)

A missing awning at Hinkle's?
Not to worry - it's being replaced with another one with the new logo - in burgundy instead of the traditional blue.

Opening soon:
City Gate
237 Locust Street
 They're having a Coffee, Tea and Paint event on Friday February 23rd (Fourth Friday) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

 Night lights on North Third

Night lights at Columbia River Park

All lit up on a Saturday night
(400 block of Locust)

Here's a close-up.

  Broken window at Kettle Works

Under the table
(Near Avenue H)

 Ghost sign:
(Maude Lucas was the wife of Columbia's greatest general, Edward C. Shannon, who was also the lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania in the 1930s.)


Heron on a Civil War-era bridge pier next to the Veterans Memorial Bridge

Hunkered down

 But suddenly with an urge to fly


 Here's more of that traffic-stopping activity along Route 441 last week.

 Doing what they've been doing there for the past few months.


Over at 301 Locust: The elevator is being installed by the Otis Company. Installation should be finished in about two weeks.  The elevator shaft is shown above.

 The elevator arrived in many pieces, seen here and below.


 Crews responded to two calls concerning gas leaks this past weekend.

 The first was on Saturday near 7th and Walnut.

 Part of Walnut street was shut down while emergency crews and UGI personnel investigated.  A source tells us the leak was definitely due to gas meter installation.


 A second call came in on Sunday afternoon on the 100 block of South 5th.

 Personnel investigated but dispersed fairly quickly.


 The building housing the Creative Factory on the 300 block of Locust is now for sale. 
(It's right next to Hinkle's restaurant.)
Here's a quick look inside.

 Here are some curious items on display in the show window.

And here's a light-headed Kewpie doll


 Further down the way, on the Susquehanna -  a frozen catfish dinner, with a side of blood spatter.

 This gull decided to have a taste.

 But apparently didn't like the flavor.

 He quickly hopped on out of there.

 And got a quick gulp of river water to flush out the aftertaste.


 The Susquehanna near sundown

 And here comes a quartet of ducks.
 According to Google, these might be "lesser scaups."

 The leader of the pack (flock?)

 Still life with fog and flying and floating seagulls


  1. Super photos, Cole ... Here's how google defines a bunch of ducks: "A group of ducks can be called a flock, brace, raft, team or paddling. A group of ducks is referred to as a flock while they are in flight. They are more often referred to as a raft, team or paddling while the group is on water."

    1. They are indeed Lesser Scaup. aka Bluebills

    2. We could just call it a murder of ducks like they way crows are described in a group

  2. who owns the building next to hinkle's?

    1. According to the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds Office:

  3. Enjoy your pictures very much


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