Sunday, December 3, 2017

Market House Update


  1. Cole, whats going on with the Market House?I thought I understood that it was being closed and that there were some sort of studies or group sessions planned for ideas or future uses? Now I read on News and Reviews that the Borough has posted an application for a lease? Did I miss something? Has a decision been made to just lease it as open space to whomever supplies,contractor, restaurant,art gallery, medical offices, antiques, jewelery, etc. I think i missed something. Where was the planning and creative group at?

    1. Sealed bids are currently being accepted for the lease of the property. Beyond that...a mystery.

  2. seriously????? WE should know whats going on, we foot the bills.

  3. Sealed bids are sealed when they’re received at the borough office. They will remain sealed until borough council publicly opens them at a public meeting.


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