Saturday, October 28, 2017

Walnut Street sidewalk gets a second helping of trash

Residents on the 200 block of Walnut Street were "treated" to another helping of trash this weekend. A similar pile of trash was deposited last weekend as we reported HERE and was picked up sometime during the middle of the week. 

The photos shown below were taken this morning (Saturday, October 28), but the trash was there since at least yesterday. The pile includes miscellaneous furniture, bags of trash not in appropriate containers - and a storm door with a full pane of glass! The door takes up more than half the sidewalk and is a tripping hazard.


  1. What is being done about this mess looks to me like not a thing

  2. I'm sure it's a rental property. Codes will quick ticket each piece, lol.

  3. Where is the Boro Management, someone needs to get off of their LAZY BUTTS and earn their pay. This crap is uncalled for. Hand in your RESIGNATIONS NOW.SLUM CITY

  4. Maybe that house should call river valley disposal and have a dumpster delivered!!

  5. The owner of this property has no pride or care about our community. Just collect the rent, who cares about the neighbors or those who visit our town. I did an attic/basement clean out last spring. I had more than this but the only difference was I arranged to have it removed immediately.


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