Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Columbia High School gets a failing grade from the state

The scores shown below are from the state Department of Education's Pennsylvania School Performance Profile and were published in a recent Penn Live article. They are based on a 100-point scale, with a 90 to 100 considered an A, a 80 to 89 a B, a 70 to 79 a C, a 60 to 69 a D, and an F for a score below 60.

Columbia Borough School District

Columbia Junior-Senior High School

2016-17 Grade: F

2015-16 Grade: D

2014-15 Grade: D

2013-14 Grade: F

2012-13 Grade: F

Park Elementary Elementary School

2016-17 Grade: C

2015-16 Grade: F

2013-14 Grade: C

2012-13 Grade: F

More statistics on the Columbia High School are HERE.


  1. How do we encourage students to pass, when the school itself doesn't pass? I know, I know! We hire a NON-QUALIFIED non-teacher first as Director or Operations and then as Superintendent. Sounds legit!

    1. They just push the kid throw don't mader. If there can read or math what happen to the no child left behinded

    2. Guessing the person posting this comment went to Columbia? Maybe proof read before replying to a comment, kind of hard to understand your response with that many errors.

  2. Maybe kids don't try to better themselves. Maybe they don't have parents that look over homework and encourage them. Maybe that is a reason too!!!!!!

    1. Kids are kids, they need guidance, don't blame them. I believe because there is often a lack of parenting within Columbia school districts, we need a strong mentorship program for these kids, as well as their parents. We also need to stress to parents, it's not only the teachers job to educate, education starts and continues at home, and not just academically but life skills as well. Learning basic life skills through the community, as well as at home allows children to better thrive academically.

  3. Highest school tax in county!

  4. Maybe some people need to proof read!! There comments and post make them sound like a failing grade!

  5. My daughter has parents that pay attention and actively participate, she's smart & was failed because the borough didn't transfer her grades from SDOL...the faculty is rude, disrespectful to parents AND students...they are bigger bullies than the students. The district failed because they don't care about our kids just their pockets.

    1. The district the student transfers from is the one that must transfer grades. If grades are not transferred it is usually not the receiving school's fault.

  6. I feel education starts at home. My son graduated from CHS, went on to college & is successful. I know of many successful grads from CHS.

    1. Yes every school has it's successes but this is showing how there are very few successes compared to other schools. Yes home life matters but when there is no rigor to challenge them or push them and nothing to entice them then parents can only do so much.

    2. Plus the parents fight back on any discipline. Kids sleep in class at the high school, yell and scream in the hallways. Using foul language right in front of teachers!! It is a ZOO!!!

  7. This school failed my daughter's miserably! Pulled 1 out of advanced classes along with other advanced students to "boost" test scores! They are so far behind other districts it's pitiful!

  8. Where is the tide pride? Bumper stickers on cars boasting tide pride. Proud of their kids being number one in a school where that number 1 kid would be average in any other school district, Hempfield, Donegal, Penn Manor. Take a lesson from them. And if you can .. send your kid somewhere else!

  9. Cole, Who will be on the ballot on November 7?

    1. (Several candidates cross-filed):

      Dem SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 4 yr Cole F. Knighton
      Dem SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 4 yr Rachael E. Kedney
      Dem SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 4 yr Barry Ford
      Dem SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 4 yr Keith A. Combs
      Rep SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 4 yr Cole F. Knighton
      Rep SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 4 yr Barry Ford
      Rep SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 4 yr Rachael E. Kedney
      Rep SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 4 yr Keith A. Combs
      Dem SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 2 yr vacant
      Dem SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 2 yr vacant
      Rep SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 2 yr Jenna Geesey
      Rep SCHOOL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA - 2 yr vacant

  10. So what is going to be done, all this talk and yet columbia has no solution . It's true highest taxes but still these kids have to walk up that hill in all kinds of weather.

    1. Columbia school district is a joke that should be shut down and students should be divided between donegal and hempfield.

    2. Part of the issue is that there are very vocal segments that fight the solutions. For example, some of the daily issues could be dealt with by implementing school uniforms in the district. The last time that was discussed there was great outcry and it was dropped. When administrators are strict they are fought by the parents of the disruptive students and there is outcry. If the administration is lax, there is outcry. This follows suit with the teaching staff as well. We are a quick fix society and very often not willing to put in the hard work to achieve true success. Make no mistake about it that is what it will take to improve. It will take a long time and a lot of hard work. The road to improvement will be fraught with hardship. Until we are all willing to handle this reality, we will continue to spin our wheels and remain in this viscous cycle.

  11. Sadly, neither district wants us!

  12. Interestingly, Columbia scores went down, while ELANCO went up....and on OUR dime!


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