Monday, August 14, 2017

Draft Agenda - Borough Council Meeting, August 14, 2017


  1. First, the Coffee Club bails out Bigler, now Doolittle. And over a million for a street scape project, why not spend that on improving Walnut Street?

  2. My tax dollars are not to buy property!

  3. yeah, you can see what happened when the Borough bought the Turkey Hill experience property !

  4. Regarding Turkey Hill Experience:

    Yeah, we clearly see what happened... thousands flock there, eat at Burger King and leave via 30. The "visitors" do not go into town.

  5. seriously they need to remove this council and get a new one. they ALL SPEND SPEND SPEND. I GUESS THEY ALL HAVE A SILVER SPOON. we can NOT afford tolive here anymore. the boro now is in the real estate business. which it has NO right to be. they spend on crazy stuff.

    1. They? They is you and the rest of the citizens. Run for office, support a candidate with views similar to yours, and vote. Don't expect "they" to remove council members.

  6. You are right they need to go the sooner the better before they bankruptcy the whole town good by coffee club

  7. "Run for office" is tossed about like it's the answer to everything. There are not enough available seats for everyone with a complaint to win a seat on council so that's not a valid answer. Even if they "support" a candidate with similar views, those candidates are too often swayed or even pressured to vote a certain way. No backbone when push comes to shove. I was sharply disappointed in one person that told me why she voted "about face" on a particular issue. Bottom line: Seven people control this town, really only four.

  8. "they" are the puppets...end of story.

  9. clown. council IS who makes or b reaks decisions that affect you and me and every taxpaying homeowner in this Boro. it's time that COuncil WAKES UP. I'll die trying to figure out just what they don't or can't comprehend. There is NO more money. OUr backs are broke from carrying all the load. CREATE AN ORDINANCE AND REMOVE 600 RENTAL PROPERTIES IN TOWN. THAT MAY BE YOUR FIRST STEP.


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