Sunday, August 6, 2017

A Crackdown on Little Libraries?

THIS ARTICLE from The Atlantic asserts that exchanging books through so-called "little libraries" runs afoul of the ordinances of some municipalities. Little libraries allow readers to "Take a book, leave a book." The article states the following:
We've constructed communities where one must obtain permission from the state before freely sharing books with one's neighbors!
 Could it happen here? Several little libraries, and the like, have cropped up around Columbia.


  1. It's plain down STUPID to discourage the sharing of books.

  2. Another way to waste tax dollars.

  3. The profitable dumbing down of America. Fines for using your brain to read.
    What's next, a fine or tax for sharing food on holidays with a family meal or for borrowing the cup of sugar or egg from a neighbor?

    1. Actually, I've been dwelling on ways to develop revenues.

      What if ... there was a tax on every promise made and not kept by all these blowhard elected public servants at the national, statewide and local level?

    2. Surely you cannot be talking about our local government due to lack of transparency. The Columbia citizens see no mission or promise prior to elections. I have no clue who the elected are, what they stand for, and when things will be resolved. Whatever happened to the trusted.

  4. Were living in a HITLER state of mind, more and more control, should wear black uniforms with a arm band. Those in power to be.

  5. Doesn't Columbia typically vote Demoncrat?.... sounds like the town is getting their just rewards.

    1. Although Columbia has historically been a Democratic stronghold, the majority of residents voted for Trump in the presidential election. Republicans are in the majority on council, also. So, your assertion does not "hold water."


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