Monday, July 24, 2017

River Town Hops rescheduled to next year

The Executive Committee for the Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce has conferred with local brewers and due to recent staff changes, everyone has decided that it is best to reschedule the River Town Hops event from August 5, 2017 to August 4, 2018.


  1. That's unsettling. I think somewhere, a ball was dropped.

  2. Unfortunately, this is how other communities and events gain traction over those at Columbia. It was quite a success last year and I for one was eagerly anticipating this years event as being even bigger. When you skip years, its hard to establish. Especially in the fast rising moment of new beer brewing. Hopefully another community or event doesn't startup next year and take vendors.

  3. Some of the problem may be the Hops and Clocks event at the Watch and clock Museum. They have been doing it for a few years and it has been successful. If I remember correctly, last year Columbia planned their new hops event on the same day as the museum's hops event.

  4. Stealing idea's instead of working with them is a back stab by the SVCC!


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