Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Columbia Borough buys blighted Bigler property

According to deeds recorded in LNP:
Samuel L. Bigler and Cynthia L. Bigler conveyed property on Locust Street to Columbia Borough for $51,711.


  1. agreed. what the hell is anyone thinking???? this prop will cost the boro tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands to repair. where in the hell is council??? vacation.

  2. WOW... Should have been condemned and torn down by owner and just been purchase for land value
    That would make a nice court yard / back yard for Perfect Settings

  3. How in the world are these properties purchased and nobody finds out until its a dome deal.

  4. Come to Borough Council meetings or read the meeting minutes online. It's all there.

    1. Oh it's all there...Minus the logic.

    2. Since Councilman Williams is so gracious to join in the conversation about properties in Columbia. In your past Property Meeting Minutes, which you Chair. Were the following land aquisitions discussed in your meetings.
      1.) River Park deal with Old Columbia Public Grounds Company for the procurement of alcohol consumption.
      2.) McGinnis Airfield
      3.) Columbia No. 1 Firehouse building located on Front Street

      What will be the cost of demolition or remodeling of the Bigler property? Was there a plan in place of use for this property? We seem to be purchasing properties with no solidified plans. Could you please answer these questions for the Columbia voters and why they should vote for Councilman Williams. Thank you!
      Columbia Citizen

  5. A former borough councilwoman once said that the borough is not in the business of real estate. I wonder what her thoughts would be on the recent great deals the borough made.

  6. That money could of went to fixing the roads

    1. This is y columbia has a bad name


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