Monday, April 10, 2017

Draft Agenda - Borough Council Meeting April 10, 2017


  1. Burning right through the LASA money and expect a tax increase in the next few years. If Columbia would have negotiated the land several years ago maybe KleenRite would have stayed. Who wants to invest in a town that is going to s=crew them all the time.
    Now we know why they were hiding the agenda from the citizens. Was this purchase ever discussed in a property meeting? I cannot find them in the meeting minutes under Property.

    1. We have two Council members who control the board, except for one that thinks for himself. And those two are spenders, one especially good at spending other people's money.
      I would agree, prepare for tax increases annually, starting very soon!

    2. Champagne taste on a beer budget

    3. Kleen Rite didn't leave, their Corporate Headquarters is still in Columbia. Kleen Rite only move their warehouse where they house the carwash parts and supplies they sell are stored because they needed more space. It was cheaper for them to renovate than to build brand new. Their initial plan was to build a new Warehouse on their property currently is. Before their move they were using multiple buildings on their property and empty trailers to house their supplies. Made more sense to move and house it in one location. It had nothing to do with anyone else getting screwed over by the borough.

  2. Violation of the Sunshine Law- Not surprising. The airport and the trolley. What else is being discussed and hidden? I think there needs to be more investigation on this- LNP? Columbia Spy? Boom!

  3. The Coffee Club needs to be stopped. How much of this is discussed in public? The money from LASA will be gone. Wake up people, go to meetings, be vocal. That's right, they don't listen anyhow.

    1. The money from LASA has already been borrowed against when they did the $10million loan 6 months ago, or so.

  4. Now we know why Councilor's resign from both Borough and School Board's. We are the laughing stock of Lancaster County when it comes to a mediocre government. If you are going to spend our money, please use it for infrastructure, NOT pipe dreams. Looks like CEDC will get a kickback for the sale of the land and invest more money into Hotel Locust(sorry just kidding).

    When is this town going to invest in a person who has vision twenty years down the road. I am tired of paying for consultants and engineering and seeing nothing in return. It seems they do NOT want to pick the most passionate to make them look bad in the end. Look at the shape the Market House is in, taking no shots at Terasa Allan. We know the paws of the Trust still hold this entity of the public. It is time to cut it loose and put your hatred aside and give it to a person with vision like Chris Vera. Here is a guy who has dedicated his life with so many hurdles and still shines with passion. Stop playing your games and get over it!

  5. Chris Vera is a great guy, but why did he purchase a home outside of Columbia. You are correct, he has vision and seen all this school board and borough council crashing down. This is the case with many LIFE LONG Families. My family settled here in 1820, I am the last of the family and I have one foot out of Columbia and the other right behind. Our hearts and history will always be in Columbia, I hate to say it, but they won! I am leaving Columbia AKA Rental Word. May be the tenants and landlords will invest in the community. Again Chris is a great guy. I know him personally.

  6. I agree Chris Vera does have a vision for Columbia maybe he does not live here but he cares more for this town more then some of the the people who do live here council wake up and do the right thing let him run the market house let it be a real market house


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