Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring has sprung


  1. more comments from last wee regarding trash, etc. just drove out Lancaster Ave past where the restaurant was and there is a trash can, full, no lid, half dozen empty pizza boxes, etc. what don't you people get? ALL TRASH MUST BE IN A BAG FIRST, TIED, THEN P LACED INTO A TRASH CAN WITH A LID. HOPING YOU GET QUICK TICKET FOR LITTERING!

  2. i agree. the amount of trash, cardboard, etc that blows all over town is sickening. the Borough MUST take a tougher stance on all trash and recycling. ALL trash MUST be in a bag, tied shut, then placed in a trash can WITH A LID. IF it;s windy, DON"T put your recycling out.....I'm so sick of seeing plastic bottles EVERYWHERE. ASK your trash hauler IF you could put your recyclinng in a CLEAR BAG on a windy day-so they see it's recycling. OR wait til next week!

  3. If you buy a heavier grade of trash bag,that can also prevent trash from flying around. Trash cans are ideal, but what happens if it gets windy and it is empty and cans fly around. Look how recycle bins fly when it is windy.

  4. Columbia looks like a landfill, there's SO much trash everywhere. Laying, blowing around. Ordinance states trash needs to be in a bag, tied then placed in a trash can with a lid.

  5. I have to say I agree. The Boro must find a way to ENFORCEtheir ordinance. ALL trash in a bag, tied, placed in a trash can with a lid! (I tied my lid loosely to the handle so on windy days I don't lose it!!!!I used twine.


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