Monday, March 27, 2017

Coach won't confirm or deny, but his Facebook post announced resignation last week

Columbia Spy received the following information last week from a reader. The message shown below reportedly appeared recently on the Columbia High School Football Booster Club page on Facebook, announcing the resignation of Columbia's head football coach, Anthony Sottasante. Sottasante is the owner and operator of Parma Pizza & Grill in Spring Garden Township, York County. He is charged with failing to pay a total of $68,961.07 in sales, employer withholding and personal income taxes between 2013 and 2016. The total includes $58,181.68 in state sales tax, $2,108.39 in employer withholding tax and $8,671 in personal income tax, according to a press release from the PA Attorney General's office.
Columbia Superintendent Robert Hollister announced the resignation in a March 27 LNP article, although Sottasante refused to confirm or deny it. 

I regret to inform everyone that I have resigned as the head football coach at Columbia High School. This was and is a very difficult decision but I feel it is the right decision based on the fact that I don't have the time available to meet the daily demands of a head coach.
I appreciate all the assistance from the booster club, parents, and the community that was given during my time with the Tide.
I wish the players, program, and community the best of luck and believe this team has developed into a group that will do great things in coming seasons. I want the players to know that they will always have a special place in my heart and I will consider them my players forever. I will continue to support the players in any way possible. I will be following you and will be your biggest fan next season. Good luck.
Win All Day Long.
Coach Sottasante

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