Wednesday, March 8, 2017

And the walls came tumbling down

The historic building on the 400 block of Avenue G (between Walnut and Chestnut) is now almost completely torn down. The brick structure, once a livery stable, was condemned in June 2015 and suffered a fire the following September.

A remnant of an elevator made by the Warner Elevator Company in Cincinnati, Ohio was found in the debris.   

Workers used heavy equipment to demo the building. They also removed some areas by hand.


  1. and Sam Bigler walks away just like he will do on Locust Street

    1. May not be a bad idea. Good bye and good riddance to this slumlord.

  2. "leave paradise, put up a parking lot..."

  3. The first floor was used as a stable and the elevator took the carriages to the second floor. After it no longer was used as a stable if became a storage facility for locals to rent out spaces. The second floor was filled with old trunks, and items people had no room for. It housed mantles, stair cases, pianos, a telephone booth, dentist supplies and more. A public sale of its contents was held in the 90's and the building sold.

    1. Wow, the first "Self Storage Unit."
      Thanks for this information Jane.


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