Sunday, February 12, 2017

Year End Report 2016 - Lancaster County Wide Communications

Lancaster County Wide Communications has published its 2016 Year End Report, which can be accessed HERE.

The following statistics have been gleaned from the report, according to the Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80 Facebook page:
  • Station 80 - 794 - Busiest Volunteer Single Station
  • Squad Co.(Engine 801) - 307 - 4th Busiest Volunteer Engine Co.
  • Wagon(Engine 802) - 311 - 3rd Busiest Volunteer Engine Co.
  • Ladder(Truck 80) - 288 - 2nd Busiest Volunteer Truck Co.
  • Rescue 80 - 310 - Busiest Volunteer Rescue Co.


  1. a HUGE shout out to every volunteer firefighter who respond with incredible speed and have only the best of Columbia at heart. Thank you for an outstanding show of professionalism and hard work and great community suppport-always willing and ready to present programs for our children!!!!

  2. Thank You to all the volunteers of the Columbia Borough Fire Department. We should never overlook what these volunteers do for this community. Great Job Volunteers!


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