Saturday, February 25, 2017


High winds and stormy weather ushered in a cold front this afternoon, downing trees, damaging vehicles, and creating general havoc in the borough. Here are some photos of the event:

 A wall cloud develops.

 The clouds descend.

 The storm hits.

The aftermath:

 Sign down

 Take Away Refuse along Front Street lost its roof.

 Another view of the blown-over roof

 Siding at North Second and Avenue H

 The siding blew off the side of this house on North Second.

 A Good Samaritan gathered nails from the road to prevent flat tires.

 This lamp at the Historical Society was hit by a piece of flying debris.

 A vehicle on the 500 block of Manor didn't fare too well.

 It was hit when the high winds snapped off this tree.

 A trampoline blew onto school grounds near North 9th & Purples Lane.

 Broken bench on Kinderhook

 A fallen tree on the 1000 block of Ironville Pike

 Underneath the tree was this truck.

 Our friends at News 21 showed up to cover the story.

 Another downed tree on Ironville Pike

 A fallen tree at Mount Bethel Cemetery

 Another one at Mount Bethel

 This one's listing a bit.

 Meanwhile, at Locust Street Park . . .

 Loose sign at Columbia River Park

  This lamp lost its head

 A missing tree at the Watch & Clock Museum

Finally, the clouds subsided.


  1. Great pictures Cole!

  2. Did a tornado touch down or was this just from strong winds??

  3. Awesome pictures!!!! Thank God no one was hurt (that we heard of). Received 2 tornado warnings on smart phone telling you to go inside and shelter. The cloud wall was the warning.

  4. Love the pictures! Thanks

  5. The tree at the Clock Museum was downed onto Poplar street. It didn't blow away. Crews were there to remove it very quickly.

  6. Great pictures and commentary.

  7. Great coverage Cole, keep up the GOOD WORK


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